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Quote from Malcolm in Bride of Ida

Ida: This is the final test. The game of Vishnok will show us who has the brains around here.
Reese: Grandma, how do we play?
Ida: Shh! You will listen! The rabbits run to their lair. The moon embraces you. The horse turns to lead. The apple holds the key. You have two minutes.
Reese: What are we doing?
Malcolm: I don't know. Did you feel this?
Reese: What?
[As Reese sticks his hands through the two holes in the board, the holes tighten around his arms]
Malcolm: The rabbits run to their lair.
[As Reese's head is pulled down towards the board, the wooden "moon" extends behind his neck.]
Malcolm: The moon embraces you. The horse turns to lead.
[Malcolm hooks Reese's nose with the horse figure. As Reese screams, Malcolm sticks the apple in his mouth. Malcolm then pushes down on Reese's head, forcing him to bite into the apple and reveal the key]
Malcolm: The apple holds the key. Ha! I beat him! It's over! [Ida mutters in Russian] The marriage is off. After 2,000 years your ways are dead.
Ida: I am content the ways have been followed.
Malcolm: What?! No. No, you don't get to pretend you're okay with this. I never followed your ways. Well, I did, but it was for a different reason...

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