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Quote from Tim in Adios

Heidi: Ladies and gentlemen, let's give a warm hello to The Flannels!
Al: Now there's a good-looking bunch.
Tim: Yeah, if you're a single woman at a Scottish mixer, huh? Where are your instruments, guys?
Flannel #1: Oh, we don't have any. We'll be singing Al cappella. [Al chuckles] One, two and one.
The Flannels: [humming] [sing] Everyone get set for Tool Time Wrenches Everyone get set for Tool Time Ratchets Circular, circular, circular, circular Saws! [applause]
Al: All right! Well, they are great!
Tim: Well, and congratulations, guys. You made it into the semi-finals.
The Flannels: [sing] Semi-finals!
Tim: Yeah! You're great.
The Flannels: [sing] Really great!
Tim: See you next time.
The Flannels: [sing] See us next time!
Tim: You're pushing it.
The Flannels: [sing] We're pushing it!

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