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Quote from Tim in The Flirting Game

Tim: Hi again, and welcome back to Tool Time.
Al: Where we continue our look at antique tools.
Tim: These beautiful, handcrafted, antique tools came from a time when more power meant manpower. [grunts]
Al: Now, over here, we have two pedal-powered machines. This happens to be a pedal-powered scroll saw.
Tim: Over here is a lathe. Let me show you how this works. Take a seat here. Now, say you're making a table leg.
Al: You're making a table leg. [laughs]
Tim: It's like an exercise bike. While you're shaping your leg, your leg's getting shaped. [imitates Pee-wee Herman laugh]
Al: Now, over here we have an old rope-making machine. You simply turn the crank and three pieces of twine become one piece of rope.
Tim: In the time before television, families would sit around the rope machine and watch knots landing.

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