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The Quote

Quote from Tim in The Colonel

Tim: You know, Tool Time is not just about home improvement. It's also about male improvement. So, continuing our male improvement series, Al and I are gonna talk about men and their shoes.
Al: That's right. We'll be delving into shoe repair and shoe shining.
Tim: Not to mention shoe trees. [holds up a picture of a tree with shoes on its branches] And shoehorns. [holds up a picture of Al playing a shoe] Anyway, here's a pair of wing tips over here that have certainly seen better days.
Al: Now, when you have a shoe this damaged, you wanna take it down to the original leather using rubbing alcohol.
Tim: Right. Then for the rough spots, use a little leather dye. Polish her up, you got a shoe as good as new. Now, remember, when you're using shoe polish, use a little bit of water. It'll make that shine really spectacular.
Al: That's right. Then you wanna buff it with a cloth diaper.
Tim: Make sure you remove the baby first, though.
Al: This will give your shoe a sheen for sure.
Tim: You don't shay.

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