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Girls in Bikinis, Boys Doin' The Twist

‘Girls in Bikinis, Boys Doin' The Twist’

Season 4, Episode 17 - Aired April 13, 2004

Rory and Paris escape cold, wet Connecticut for spring break in Florida. Meanwhile, Lorelai notices Luke is even grumpier than usual.

Quote from Paris

Paris: You might as well stick your head in a sugar bowl.
Rory: If you can find one big enough.
Paris: You won't be able to eat like that forever, you know.
Rory: What are you getting?
Paris: All bran. Asher turned me on to it.
Rory: He's a romantic.
Paris: He wants me to live a long time and be healthy. That is romantic.
Rory: Okay. Just a joke. No reflection on your man-friend.
Paris: So after breakfast, I'm going to pick up the sign for our table, and then I'll meet you in the courtyard. [Paris pours a coffee] Antioxidants.


Quote from Paris

Paris: I'm actually really excited about this. I mean, it's our first social protest of significance in college.
Rory: I know, it's so exciting. We actually get to do something important, make a difference, have a say in the world.
Paris: Wouldn't it be amazing if we could just get one Burmese political prisoner released because of our petition?
Rory: You're thinking small, Geller. Let's get 'em all out.
Paris: Even the guilty ones.
Rory: Hell, yeah.

Quote from Paris

Rory: Oh, Janet, if you have a chance, you should stop by and sign our petition for political prisoners in Burma.
Janet: I'll try. Actually, I have to run out and get a new bathing suit before my class this afternoon.
Rory: Okay.
Paris: Think of all the tortured souls festering in Burma while you're at the size-2 rack. [to Rory] I hate that she's thin.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: You know, the stationery and the postcards that you leave in the guests' room so that they can write a letter home saying, "Having a great time- wish you were here." Which, of course, they don't, because you were the thing they were trying to get away from in this first place.
Luke: Nobody uses that stuff.
Lorelai: Oh, sure they do.
Luke: I have never once stayed in a hotel and used the stationery or written a postcard.

Quote from Lorelai

Luke: I'm fine. The paper's fine. The postcards are fine. I don't know why you're showing them to me anyhow.
Lorelai: Because you are an investor in the inn. I want to keep you apprised of the goings-on.
Luke: I am not an investor. I loaned you money.
Lorelai: That is what investors do.
Luke: An investor goes to meetings.
Lorelai: We're having a meeting.
Luke: They're involved in the business decisions.
Lorelai: Hello stationary. Decide - yes, no.
Luke: I'll get your coffee.

Quote from Luke

Luke: I am wearing someone else's socks.
Lorelai: I'm sorry, I need more.
Luke: I spent the night at Nicole's place.
Lorelai: Also known as "your place".
Luke: Got up a little late, grabbed a pair of socks, and it wasn't until I was halfway to work that I realized they were someone else's socks.
Lorelai: And you're sure about this?
Luke: Hey, if there's one thing in this life I am sure about, it's my socks. I buy the same brand in bulk, and I've been doing this for as long as I can remember. My socks are all white with a red stripe. These are white with a gold stripe and some sort of fruity padding in the toe.
Lorelai: Maybe they're Jess' socks.
Luke: They are not Jess' socks.
Lorelai: Well, maybe when you went to the laundromat, someone accidentally left a pair of socks in the dryer, and then your-
Luke: I don't go to a laundromat.
Lorelai: Maybe they're Nicole's socks. You know, her gym socks or... You're not wearing your socks.
Luke: I am not wearing my socks.

Quote from Paris

Rory: Show your support for the Burmese prisoners.
Paris: Sign up now. Take a stand.
Rory: This bowl of rice is all a Burmese prisoner gets to eat in a day. One bowl, that's it. No butter or soy sauce.
Paris: Enjoy your "Maxim." You couldn't read that in Burma!

Quote from Paris

Paris: Move, move, move!
Girl: Is it raining?
Paris: No, it's National Baptism Day. Tie your tubes, idiot.

Quote from Paris

Rory: I get the radiator.
Paris: No way.
Rory: You got it last night.
Paris: I did not!
Rory: Paris, you took up the whole thing with your "Hey, Gore, do not endorse me" sweatshirt, and my blue sweater is still soaked.
Paris: Fine! Take half.

Quote from Paris

Rory: Did you say "Florida"?
Paris: No. Yes.
Rory: Seriously?
Paris: Maybe.
Rory: But it's spring break.
Paris: I know.
Rory: It's "girls gone wild," and boys doing the twist. We're not spring-breaky people, are we?
Paris: I don't know what we are, but I am so cold right now that the thought of spending a week with a bunch of drunken bimbos and rattle-headed frat boys seems like a very good trade off for being warm.

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