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Girls in Bikinis, Boys Doin' The Twist

‘Girls in Bikinis, Boys Doin' The Twist’

Season 4, Episode 17 - Aired April 13, 2004

Rory and Paris escape cold, wet Connecticut for spring break in Florida. Meanwhile, Lorelai notices Luke is even grumpier than usual.

Quote from Luke

Luke: I wanted to see who owned the socks.
Lorelai: And did you?
Luke: I think so. I just had a feeling tonight. Nicole was kind of vague on her plans, so I told her I'd stay at the diner. And then I drove up here, and I parked, and I waited. And then this car pulled up, and she got out with him. And, they went inside, and I watched them go.
Lorelai: And you're sure he's the owner of the socks?
Luke: Well, I didn't ask him, but he's the owner of the socks. And if he isn't, the picture's still not looking very good.
Lorelai: I agree with you there.
Luke: Anyway, I sat here and watched them go inside. I had all these thoughts rolling around in my head. I mean, how could she do this, you know? In there. In our house. I mean, I... I put bookshelves up in there.
Lorelai: If it makes you feel any better, I don't think he's using your bookshelves.
Luke: I suddenly just got so mad, you know, I lost it. I had to do something, so I got out and marched up to his car, and I kicked it.
Lorelai: You kicked his car?
Luke: Oh, hey, I kicked it hard and over and over and over again.
Lorelai: Oh, you beat up his car.
Luke: And then, all of a sudden, these cops pull up, 'cause some busybody in the neighborhood saw some lunatic attacking a car, and, well, you know the rest.


Quote from Luke

Luke: Yes, this is the car. He sat there. She sat there. They got out there, walked up there. I jumped out there, ran up here, was handcuffed there, was driven off there. I went to jail. And you drove all the way up here to get me... And they are still in there!
Lorelai: Oh, Luke.
Luke: I mean, I can't believe they're still in there. What are they doing?
Lorelai: Luke, come on.
Luke: I know what they're doing. But even if you took one of those pills that they were hawking at the super bowl, you know, they should have been done in four or five hours, tops. I mean, that commercial said it all. "If you're still active after four hours, you should call a damn doctor."

Quote from Paris

Rory: Spring break. Are we done?
Paris: I don't know.
Rory: Well, let's go down the list.
Paris: Okay, we came.
Rory: Check.
Paris: We danced.
Rory: Check.
Paris: We drank.
Rory: Check.
Paris: We threw up.
Rory: We didn't throw up.
Paris: Give us 10 more minutes.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: [on the phone] So I call this place where you were supposedly staying, and some punk at the desk tells me I said I was sorry. "I'm sorry, ma'am, she's not here anymore." My heart flew out of my chest. And not just because he called me "ma'am." Which by the way, I hate.
Rory: I didn't mean to freak you out.
Lorelai: You don't take off without telling Mommy.
Rory: I love that I didn't have to clear it with you to go on spring break, but I had to clear it with you to come home.
Lorelai: I had visions of you being swallowed by a whale or taking off with some surfers to go chase the perfect wave and not inviting me.

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