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Quote from Kirk in Girls in Bikinis, Boys Doin' The Twist

Kirk: I wasn't going that slow.
Lorelai: No, you just maybe need a little more training before tourist season kicks in. You know, take a spinning class or buy some legs.
Rory: Sorry, Kirk.
Kirk: You will be sorry. You'll be sorry you turned down the chance to ride in Stars Hollow's first...
Rory: Now he's gonna hate us forever.
Lorelai: No, he's not. He's just gonna hate us till something shiny comes by.
Kirk: [bicycle bell rings] Well, well, well. I guess it wasn't me that was slowing things down. I guess it was my big, fat cargo.
Rory: Hey!
Kirk: Freshman 15!
Lorelai: Kirk!
Kirk: Can't wait to get my doughnut!

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