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Quote from Michel in Love and War Show

Lorelai: Hey, how is it out there?
Michel: It is cold and gray, like a fat, dead pigeon.
Lorelai: Oh, we'll pull out the sleds. People might want to sled. Ooh, and the parkas. We'll need the parkas.
Michel: For what?
Lorelai: In case anyone wants to hike.
Michel: You know not everyone finds the idea of being pelted with frozen water appealing.
Lorelai: I know, and how sad for them.
Michel: The sensation of getting lost in a blizzard of freezing to death in the woods, eating your friend's buttocks to stay alive... that is lost on many people.
Lorelai: I am telling you, five minutes in a snowball fight we could knock that stick right out of your butt.

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