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Quote from Lane in It Should've Been Lorelai

Lane: [on the phone] Listen, I don't have much time. I've already used up my five minutes of phone time but I had to talk to you. There's a new Belle and Sebastian single coming out today.
Rory: I know.
Lane: I have to have it.
Rory: Okay. Well,
Lane: No, I have to have it.
Rory: I don't know if I have time to pick it up.
Lane: What? Rory, do you want to hear how I used up my phone time today? Talking to, trying to get them to overnight it to me in a plain package referencing something Korean and religious.
Rory: Wouldn't do it, huh?
Lane: I think they notified the government.
Rory: Can't you just wait for your grounding to be over?
Lane: Hey, I am a fanatic audiophile. And that comes with responsibilities that a grounding doesn't alter. I have to have this single and you have to figure out how to get it to me.

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