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Quote from Michel in I Get a Sidekick Out of You

Michel: What time are you picking me up tomorrow?
Lorelai: Noon.
Michel: Oh, noon is fine. That will give me plenty of time to get ready. You know, I hope you don't stay out too late tonight. You'll be tired for tomorrow.
Lorelai: I will not be tired.
Michel: I wouldn't drink too much, either. You'll be puffy.
Lorelai: Okay, I'll keep it to half a box of wine, max.
Michel: I'm just saying, tomorrow is a very special day. You need to be perfect.
Lorelai: Okay, I'm not getting married, Michel.
Michel: [chuckles] I know that, but you are going to be with me, and I'm going to look fantastic, and you know that who you are with is always a reflection of yourself, and I don't want my reflection to look like Judy Garland, the Mark Herron years.

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