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Quote from Niles in The Zoo Story

Niles: You must excuse my jolly mood, but Maris was over tonight for our weekly conjugal visit.
Martin: Eeww, Jeez.
Niles: I've never seen her look so seductive. She wore a clingy gown, crimson lipstick, even earrings, which she tends to avoid as they make her head droop. She pulled me down upon the bed and began playing my spine like a zither. And then, just as things were heating up, she renewed her request that I dismiss Doctor Wilfong. So tremulous with desire was I that I almost relented, but then I remembered your advice, Frasier, and I said I wouldn't fire the good doctor. At which point Maris told me I wouldn't be firing anything else in the foreseeable future! And she left!

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