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Frank's Tribute

‘Frank's Tribute’

Season 3, Episode 16 - Aired February 8, 1999

Ray and Robert prepare a tribute for Frank after he's named Man of the Year at his lodge.

Quote from Ray

Robert: Well, it's for Dad's tribute. This is perfect. You guys can do it together, okay? Ready, Ray? And action!
Garvin: It's rolling?
Ray: Yeah, okay, all right. We're here with Garvin--
Garvin: Hey, Frank! You owe me 50 bucks! You gave me your word! I ain't heard from you since! You've been ducking me for a year and a half! You hear me?!
Stan: 50 bucks is nothing. How about the dent you put in my car! You told me it wasn't you! I have eyewitnesses! And I have a bill! I wish I had pockets 'cause I'd carry it with me! Wait right here!
Garvin: You're a liar! A liar! You hear me? Liar!
Ray: Thank you. Thank you.
Garvin: Hey Ray, it's really nice to see you again, you know? Take care there, buddy! Hey, say hi to your mom!
Robert: What are we going to do?
Ray: I don't know. Maybe we can piece something together in editing, you know? Excuse me, guys. Just start rolling. Hi, uh, we just want to ask a few questions if you don't mind. Uh, how do you feel about chocolate?


Quote from Robert

Frank: Why don't you go back in there with Debra and the kids and enjoy your free steak?
Marie: Frank, what are you doing?
Frank: Come on, we're going home.
Marie: What are you talking about? This is your big night!
Frank: It's not so big anymore. Let's go.
Marie: You didn't even finish your steak.
Frank: I'm not hungry!
Robert: Should've dressed like broads!

Quote from Frank

Marie: We're gonna talk about this.
Frank: Oh, crap! [Marie turns around with her face cream on] Jeez!
Marie: Oh, stop it, Frank!
Frank: A guy wants to go to bed, he gets attacked by a kabuki.
Marie: Oh, stop it!

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