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Frank's Tribute

‘Frank's Tribute’

Season 3, Episode 16 - Aired February 8, 1999

Ray and Robert prepare a tribute for Frank after he's named Man of the Year at his lodge.

Quote from Frank

Marie: Now, what would your tribute for me be? [Frank is silent] Well?
Frank: This is stupid.
Marie: It wasn't stupid when you just asked me!
Frank: Yes, it was! I now realize how stupid it was!
Marie: Well, I gave you a very lovely and generous answer, didn't I? Well, didn't I?
Frank: All right! [Marie straightens her clothes] What are you getting ready for? I'm not anointing you here.
Marie: Well, it isn't every day you say nice things about me.
Frank: Well it's not every day that you force me!


Quote from Robert

Robert: Come on, Dad. What are you doing?
Frank: That was a tribute?
Ray: What, you didn't like it?
Frank: It was stupid! And it was so short!
Ray: Yeah, well, we kinda went with a fast MTV kind of editing.
Frank: Well, I didn't get it! And what's with Correlli saying he likes me hot with marshmallows?
Ray: I told you to get rid of that!
Robert: It was cute!

Quote from Ray

Marie: Oh, they're so stupid. Women aren't even allowed near the place. Until they want one of us to arrange a tribute or something.
Ray: Tribute?
Marie: Yeah.
Ray: And we gotta go?
Marie: Mm-hm.
Ray: I got dibs on I'm sick that night. You do some cop overtime at work, monkey on a bus somewhere, yeah.
Robert: No, no. I want to go. It's an honor to be son of Man of the Year.
Ray: I don't even want to be brother of guy who wants to be son of Man of the Year.

Quote from Ray

Robert: Come on, cubby, we'll do it together. It will be nice for Dad. What do we have to do, Mom? Come on, you tell me.
Marie: Okay. The guy said something about a presentation or some prepared remarks.
Ray: What guy?
Marie: I don't know. The Grand High Idiot. All right, Raymond, sit down, you're doing this. You could do a song.
Robert: Yeah. You know that one number I've always loved? From "South Pacific" where the guy wears the grass skirt and the coconut bra? Yeah!
Ray: What do you do in that apartment?

Quote from Ray

Frank: Hello, family. I believe you're in the Chair of the Year.
Robert: Congratulations, Dad! I think it's great!
Frank: Thank you. But you know I'm just a simple man who tried to make a difference. I still put my pants on one leg at a time.
Ray: Yeah, and when can we look forward to that?

Quote from Ray

Robert: Well, this lodge hasn't changed since we were kids.
Ray: Why would children come here?
Robert: I think we were here for a Christmas party.
Ray: Sure it wasn't to collect smells?

Quote from Ray

Milt: Help you, young fellas?
Ray: We're here for the Man of the Year. We're working on our tribute.
Milt: Hey, if you're doing a skit, dress like broads. That always goes over big.
Robert: "South Pacific."
Ray: Yeah, we're doing a video. We're doing a video. Yeah, we're just putting together like a testimonial. Tape some of the members talking about my father.
Milt: Yeah, well, you could do that. You'll find the guys out by the pool. But I gotta tell you a little lipstick and some falsies and we're all yours.

Quote from Robert

Ray: Hey, let's talk to this guy over here.
Robert: Excuse me, sir. Could we talk to you for a second?
Man: Sure.
Robert: Uh, we'd like to ask you some questions about Frank Barone.
Man: Shoot.
Ray: Number one: Why aren't you wearing a bathing suit?
Robert: It's obviously lodge policy.
Man: It's tradition.
Ray: Maybe we shouldn't film in here?
Robert: No, no, it's fine. I'll tell you what, I'm gonna set up right here. State your name and Raymond here is gonna interview you, all right?
Ray: No, listen. I don't want to interview. Let me hold the camera.
Robert: Come on, Ray. Can't you see the guy's getting cold?

Quote from Ray

Robert: Action!
Ray: All right, I'm here with, uh... I'm here with, what'd you say your name was?
Man: Abe Warchizer. But everybody calls me Bullethead.
Ray: All right, Bullethead, uh, just tell us why you like Frank Barone?
Man: I don't like Frank Barone.
Ray: Okay.
Man: Can I get back in the pool now?
Ray: Yeah, please. [splash sounds] That's gotta hurt.

Quote from Ray

Robert: Jeez, he doesn't like Dad.
Ray: You're worried about what Bullethead thinks? Hey, excuse me, sir. You know Frank Barone, right?
Man: What of it?
Robert: Well, we're doing a tribute. You guys elected him Man of the Year.
Man: [scoffs] We're down to him?
Robert: Maybe these guys don't know Dad so well.
Ray: Yeah, maybe they do.

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