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Quote from Robert in Robert's Date

Robert: But they were so cool. I mean, right from the beginning, they were totally cool with me. I fit right in for once.
Ray: Yeah. Of course, they liked you in the beginning 'cause you were just being you.
Robert: So how long could that have lasted? It's easy for you, Raymond. You fit in everywhere. You're a 40 regular. You know where I had to go for this suit?
Ray: Little Shop of Horrors?
Robert: That's right, okay, I'm a freak. I was a freak at school, I was a freak in my marriage, I'm a freak in my own family.
Ray: You're super-freaky.
Robert: All right, Raymond.
Ray: I'm kidding, I'm kidding! I'm kidding. I'm joking. You're not a freak.
Robert: Yeah, the only place I'm not is on the job. I should never take off my uniform.

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