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Quote from Frank in I Wish I Were Gus

Frank: It's your mother. She won't stop crying about this Alda business.
Ray: So why are you here?
Frank: Well, somebody's got to talk to her.
Debra: Well, you're her husband. What's wrong with you?
Frank: She says I don't understand her.
Debra: Well, why don't you go talk to her?
Frank: Because I don't understand her. Ray, you go.
Ray: No, Dad. I got work to do here. Big eulogy coming up.
Frank: What, you don't care how much your mother suffers? Or if I starve?
Ray: Oh, you're starving?
Frank: Hey, you know your mother. When she gets upset, she doesn't cook. When she doesn't cook, I don't eat. You do the math.

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