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Quote from Adult Chris in Everybody Hates the Port Authority

Adult Chris: [v.o.] As much as I loved growing up in Bed-Stuy, the place I loved even more was down South. After segregation and before the 2 Live Crew, down South was good, and the weather was always beautiful.
Chris: Hey, Mom, when are we going down South again?
Adult Chris: [v.o.] When the Klan breaks up.
Rochelle: I don't know, baby. That'll be nice.
Tonya: Hey, Ma. Who's that?
Rochelle: Oh, that's your Cousin Beanie! You know what, she's 12, just like you.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Except Cousin Beanie's not evil.
Rochelle: You know what, maybe we should plan a trip down South.
Drew: I don't like down South; people act too country.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] They're not acting.

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