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Quote from Julius in Everybody Hates the Babysitter

Cashier: Welcome to Pastures and Shores. May I take your order?
Rochelle: Okay, I'll have the all-you-can-eat shrimp and sirloin combo, well done, order of coleslaw and a Coke.
Cashier: And you, sir?
Julius: I'll have the ultimate surf and turf and a large Coke.
Cashier: [cash register dings] That'll be $17.99.
Rochelle: Wait, baby. Are you sure we can afford this?
Julius: It's okay. I have coupons.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] If there was a coupon for something, my father had it.
[flashback to a meter maid writing a ticket:]
Julius: Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Meter Maid: What's this?
Julius: A coupon. No tickets on Tuesday.

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