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Quote from Sam in Love Me, Love My Car

Sam: [on the phone] There is a quarter of an inch scratch on the right fender. You can't miss it. No! It disfigures the entire car! Listen, I want you to send your tow truck over right now. Are you laughing at me? Are you laughing at me? You know, fine, I'll tell you something. I'm gonna take my business some place else.
Frasier: Sam, may I have a beer please? And let me guess, you dinged the Corvette again.
Sam: Yeah. Boy, I don't know, it's weird. It's the fourth scratch I've had in a week. I don't know what's going on. Maybe I need to check my eyes or something.
Frasier: Yes. Your eyes.
Sam: Oh, what's that supposed to mean, huh?
Frasier: Sam, this is not a personal attack. I am trying to help you. Look, the way you got that car back was shameful. It went against your better instincts. Now, deep down, you don't think you deserve to have that car, and I submit that subconsciously you are trying to destroy it!
Sam: Hey, you know, take your business someplace else! Go on! Get out of here!
Norm: Sammy! Sammy, settle down now! Frasier could very well have a point there!
Sam: You know something?!
Norm: Or maybe not, okay? The guy's a quack.

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