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Quote from Norm in Diane's Nightmare

Sam: Kind of a spooky night, huh?
Diane: Sam, how can you be so calm knowing this man is free? You've never taken him seriously. Just because he smiles at you with that pink-cheeked, round kewpie doll face and says, "Hi there," you think he's harmless. Well, he's not. He's a cold-blooded homicidal maniac.
Sam: Hey, no guy is gonna walk in here into this brightly lit bar and attack you. [thunder; the lights go out] Probably not in a dark one either.
Diane: Oh, Sam!
Sam: What? Now, come on, everybody, just relax here. I got candles now.
Norm: That's right, everybody, just keep calm, all right? I mean, no reason to panic here. Sammy, those taps operate when the power is out, don't they?

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