Cory Quote #148

Quote from Cory in Chick Like Me

Alan: Hey son, how was your day?
Cory: Fine.
Alan: What did you do at school?
Cory: Nothing.
Alan: Hey, hold on, right there. You know, every day I ask you what you did at school and every day you tell me nothing. Well, I'm tired of nothing. We both know something happened today and I want to know what it is.
Cory: I decided to be a girl.


 ‘Chick Like Me’ Quotes

Quote from Cory

Cory: Please pay at the register, honey. And tipping is not a city in China.

Quote from Cory

Shawn: Why's everyone looking? What are they staring at?
Cory: Well, Shawn, I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but you're kind of a babe.

Quote from Cory

Cory: Gary, this is Veronica. Veronica Wasboyski.