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Quote from Maeby in Senoritis

Maeby: I'll get the ball rolling with some free publicity when I accept my award. Come on, this could be my only chance to be a heiress.
George Michael: A Harris?
Maeby: All right, fine. You can still be the boss, okay? I just don't want people to know that I'm working with my cousin. So, you are not my cousin. You are not George Michael Bluth.
George Michael: I'm great with that. In fact, you know, what might really help us sell it... Oh, heiress. You meant... You don't pronounce the "H." And that's not what heiress means.
Maeby: I pronounce the "H."
George Michael: No, but that's not how the word is... You know, we say words the way we say them for a reason.

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