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Brad Mitzvah

‘Brad Mitzvah’

Season 1, Episode 11 - Aired January 12, 2022

Brad faces his nerves ahead of his Bar Mitzvah. Meanwhile, Dean's girlfriend Charlene tells him he can't hang out with Keisa anymore.

Quote from Brad

Dean: Hey! Mazel tov, Brad!
Brad: I'm freaking out!
Dean: What? Why?
Brad: What do you mean, why? What if I forget my Torah portion? Or what if my voice cracks? Or what if I drop the Torah? Those things are like 50 pounds. I just... I haven't even finished my speech yet, and... Oh, God, my parents are gonna kill me! [notices Dean looking away] Hey! You said you were gonna help me! All you've done is ignore me!
Adult Dean: I knew I was letting Brad down, but this was my one chance to get Keisa and Charlene to become best friends, and it was slipping through my fingers.
Dean: Well, I've got my own problems, dang it!


Quote from Kim

Dean: Hey. What are you two talking about? Having fun? Making friends?
[Keisa and Charlene roll their eyes and walk away separately]
Adult Dean: They were not.
Kim: Come on. We better sit down. You know, Dean, maybe you're just one of those guys who isn't meant to have a girlfriend.

Quote from Dean

Rabbi: What does it mean to become a Jewish man?
Adult Dean: When I saw how nervous Brad was in that moment, I knew I had to make things right.
Rabbi: Joseph is the only son of Jacob who's...
Dean: I gotta go talk to Brad.
Kim: Unh-unh. There's no way I'm letting you make a scene and embarrass...
Dean: Excuse me.
Kim: And there he goes.
Adult Dean: And if it meant embarrassing myself down here to keep Brad from embarrassing himself up there, then that's a price I was willing to pay.
Woman: Ow!
Dean: Oh, ooh. That was an open-toed shoe. I'm sorry. Sorry again. Psst! Hey, Brad. Over here.
Brad: What are you doing? You can't be up here.
Dean: Well, I remembered something that my dad said about getting stage fright before a big show. Just picture everybody's in their underwear. Once they all look crazy, you won't feel so scared. Just be yourself, man. That's all everyone here wants you to be.

Quote from Adult Dean

Adult Dean: Standing up for myself resulted in me losing both my girlfriend and my best friend. Luckily, I was able to lean into the part of Judaism that suited me in that moment... the suffering part. Hmm. Maybe I had gained a better understanding of Brad's cultural history. But watching Brad get lifted up on that chair, I realized that standing up for yourself and owning who you are can actually elevate you in the long run. 'Cause even though I had lost so much that day, I gained something else... Self-respect. And if that doesn't make you a man, I don't know what does.

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