Dwight K. Schrute Quote #780

Quote from Dwight K. Schrute in Viewing Party

Pam: If I could get her sleeping normally I could get my life back.
Dwight K. Schrute: That would be nice wouldn't it?
Pam: I can't even talk about it.
Dwight K. Schrute: You know it's not really necessary for me to sit here holding her all night. Just go into Gabe's refrigerator, get a lump of suet, or any kind of congealed animal fat will do rally, tie a piece of string to it and the other end to her toe, put the suet in her mouth, she'll be happy for hours.
Pam: I kind of doubt Gabe has suet.
Dwight K. Schrute: Really? Oh. Then here we are.


 ‘Viewing Party’ Quotes

Quote from Michael Scott

Gabe: Michael, you are making this harder than it has to be.
Michael Scott: That's what she said.

Quote from Jim

Jim: Some events are so news worthy, so historic, that you have to stop everything to watch. Balloon Boy, Michael Jackson's funeral. Things that if you didn't see them live, you wouldn't really care that you didn't see them at all.

Quote from Michael Scott

Gabe: So these are your cheeses, your ham, your sausages, your herbs, and your vegetables. Here's what's been done, so start creating. Some times it helps to think of a part of the world, and-
Michael Scott: Okay, okay, okay.
[aside to camera:]
Michael Scott: Gabe likes to entertain a lot, and he cooks in an oven, and all that jazz. I just have a different lifestyle. They have these bags of vegetables that steam right inside their own bag. So I'll get a glass of sangria, sit down in front of the TV, a bag of vegetables, before you know it I'm ready for bed!