Michael Scott Quote #632

Quote from Michael Scott in Back from Vacation

Michael Scott: Inventory is boring. In the islands, they don't make you do stuff like take inventory. Why do you think so many businesses move to the Caymans?


 ‘Back from Vacation’ Quotes

Quote from Jim

Jim: Karen, any news from that law firm?
Karen: Yeah, the deal closed yesterday. It's a six-month commitment.
Jim: Oh, my God! Dwight, what are you doing?
Dwight K. Schrute: What?
Jim: You're not allowed to take off your pants in the middle of the office.
Dwight K. Schrute: I'm not.
Jim: Dwight, you know what, just back off, okay? That's making me uncomfortable. This is sexual harassment, by the way. Oh, my God, he's got a knife!
Dwight K. Schrute: I do not have a knife.
Jim: No. Let the record show that Dwight K. Schrute is now completely nude and is holding a plastic knife to Stanley's neck?
Dwight K. Schrute: Let the record show that Jim Halpert is a liar!
Jim: Dwight Schrute is now wearing a baby's bonnet.
Dwight K. Schrute: I am not.

Quote from Stanley

Stanley: Oh, Michael, I'm glad you're here.
Michael Scott: Stanley. You know what? It is really good to see you, too.
Stanley: My bonus check was $100 less than you promised.
Michael Scott: Okay, well, payroll is in charge of all of that.
Stanley: They said I should talk to you.
Michael Scott: Well, I am just getting settled in. So I'm gonna-
Stanley: I am not doing a lick more work until I get my full bonus check.
Michael Scott: You are not as much fun as your Jamaican brothers, mon.

Quote from Karen

Karen: Dwight, what is that on your stomach? Is that a Muppet Babies tattoo?
Jim: Oh, my God, Karen, you're right. That is Animal from the Muppet Babies.
Dwight K. Schrute: You can't see my stomach.