Dwight K. Schrute Quote #1158

Quote from Dwight K. Schrute in Suit Warehouse

Jim: [on the phone] Hey, I'm in Philadelphia right now.
Dwight K. Schrute: How is that my problem? Get in your car and drive down here. You can make it in 30 minutes if you drive 240 miles per hour.
Jim: Huh. How long would it take me if I drove 300 miles an hour?
Dwight K. Schrute: Mmm. That's a good... question. 300 times... [Jim hangs up] 180... [dial tone] Um, that comes to 25 minutes. ... Yes. Oh, well, thank you Jim. Yes, I am better than you. Thanks for acknowledging that. Okay, bye bye. Love you. [puts phone down]


 ‘Suit Warehouse’ Quotes

Quote from Dwight K. Schrute

Dwight K. Schrute: Stone and Son Suit Warehouse recently lost their paper provider. They're a family owned business. [chuckles] Jim and I used to clean up at those. We'd go in pretending to be family, brothers. We did it at a family owned law firm, at a family owned construction company, and a family owned motorcycle store. Jim and Dwight Schrupert. I was the dynamic, likable winner that was doted upon by Mom. And Jim was the closeted foot fetishist pretending to belong. The client never knew any of that. But I knew.

Quote from Darryl

Darryl: Damn! Jim, you got a real Facebook energy going on here man. You Zuckerberged this place out!

Quote from Clark

Oscar: Hey, look who's back, Dwight Junior.
Kevin: Hey, so how was it? I mean... the sex with Jan.
Clark: A gentleman doesn't discuss such matters. Especially when the feelings of a lady are involved.
[aside to camera:]
Clark: Women reach their sexual peak at whatever age Jan was last week. I mean it was... like making love with a wild animal. But not like a cougar like you might think. It was, uh, like a swarm of bees. Bees that just find something wrong with every hotel room.