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Season 6, Episode 1 - Aired September 17, 2009

Michael feels left out of the office gossip, until one of the summer interns tells him some news about Stanley. After Michael spreads it all around the office, he must figure out a way to undo the damage.

Quote from Jim

Pam: We haven't told anyone I'm pregnant.
Jim: Well, with her being unmarried, knocked up by some guy, I mean the yakity-yaks in this office would have a field day.
Pam: Yeah, we don't want them at the wedding thinking Jim's being marched down the aisle by my dad with a shotgun.
Jim: Wait, there's not gonna be a shotgun?
Pam: Nope.
Jim: No shotgun? 'cause that changes everything.
Pam: Can't back out now, Halpert.
Jim: What are you gonna do about it? There's no shotgun, so... Free at last, free at last!
Pam: No, keep it up.


Quote from Dwight K. Schrute

Michael Scott: Eric likes Megan.
Dwight K. Schrute: He most definitely does. He's been asking her out repeatedly for weeks. She finally said yes. They went out on a group date the other night; apparently it went very well.
Michael Scott: How do you know this?
Dwight K. Schrute: People tell me things. I guess I have a face you can trust. I think it's because of my low cheekbones.

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: Wait, wait, hold, hold... So it is true?
Stanley: Yeah, but Michael, I'm going to go break it off. That's where I'm headed right now. I swear.
Michael Scott: Oh my God! Wait a second. Do people often say they're going on sales calls and then go someplace else? 'Cause that's not cool.

Quote from Michael Scott

Kevin: I might have extra, it just depends on how many I eat.
Michael Scott: Did you hear about Angela? That's pretty weird.
Kevin: Yeah. What do you mean exactly?
Michael Scott: Well, the fact that she is apparently dating an 81-year-old billionaire. Owns a Quizno's on the turnpike.
Kevin: Really?
Michael Scott: Uh huh.

Quote from Michael Scott

Erin: Kelly has an eating disorder?
Michael Scott: Yeah.
Erin: She always eats my lunch.
Michael Scott: Anorexia. She's an anorexatic.
Erin: We should do something.
Michael Scott: Nothing can be done. We just have to tell everybody and hope for the best I guess.

Quote from Oscar

Oscar: What exactly is my responsibility here? To comfort insecure heterosexual men? That can't possibly fall to me.

Quote from Michael Scott

Phyllis: How far along is Pam?
Meredith: A few months, that's why they're rushing the wedding.
Michael Scott: [whispering] Guys, guys... you can't believe everything you hear. Like Stanley, having an affair? That is crazy! It's just- There's no stock it. It's a weird day for false facts. Let it go.

Quote from Dwight K. Schrute

Michael Scott: Okay everybody, big day. Last day for our interns, a lot of other stuff. Who knows what to believe? Dwight, the honors.
Dwight K. Schrute: Present these to the dean for credit. And, as a gift, I've attached my card. Call me any time of the day or night.
Eric: Why would we call you at night?
Dwight K. Schrute: Well now you can't call me at all. Problem solved.
Jim: You're gonna regret that when you find yourself between a moose and her cubs.

Quote from Angela

Angela: Did you know a baby conceived out of wedlock is still a bastard?
Pam: What?
Angela: Want me to say it again?
Pam: Why did that come into your brain?

Quote from Michael Scott

Jim: Hey, has everyone heard a crazy rumor about themselves today?
All: Yes.
Michael Scott: [entering conference room] Yeah, yeah! You know what? Let's discredit these rumors.
Jim: Yeah, sure, but who's been saying all that stuff?
Michael Scott: That's not important, Jim. I just think we shouldn't listen to any of that crap.
Pam: Sure, but we should get to the bottom of this. Let's pick a rumor and trace it back to the beginning.
Kevin: I need to do mine first. Who's been saying that there's another person inside of me, working me with controls?
Creed: I heard that from Andy.
Andy: I heard it from Erin.
Erin: I heard it from Michael.
[Michael quietly backs out of the room]

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