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Business Ethics

‘Business Ethics’

Season 5, Episode 3 - Aired October 9, 2008

Holly is frustrated when Michael disrupts her ethics seminar and doesn't seem to care about the wrongdoing taking place at the branch.

Quote from Dwight K. Schrute

Jim: 19 minutes and 48 seconds. What were we doing for 19 minutes and 48 seconds?
Dwight K. Schrute: None of your business.
Jim: So I guess I can assume that was personal.
Dwight K. Schrute: Fine.
Jim: So maybe you're not completely ethical after all.
Dwight K. Schrute: Yes. Maybe I'm not.


Quote from Holly

Michael Scott: Kendall, my main man.
Kendall: [on speaker phone] Listen, Holly, Michael, I just got the report that your branch submitted, and there's a lot of stuff about a relationship Meredith is having-
Holly: Yes, that came out during the ethics seminar.
Michael Scott: And let the record show that it was during the immunity part of the seminar.
Kendall: I'm not sure these circumstances warrant any action.
Holly: Oh, I think it's pretty clear it was unethical.
Kendall: what I can gather, it seems like a gray area. Look, to be honest, the company's getting a discount at a tough time in our balance sheet, I don't know that the right thing to do for the company is to turn our noses up at that.
Holly: Um, Kendall, I understand that the discount is good for the company, but I'm just not happy about the way we're getting it.
Kendall: I thought it was clear with you, Holly. Your task was to get signatures from the employees showing that they completed the training.
Holly: No, I understand-
Kendall: Cause every other branch has managed to get those. So if it's not something you can handle, then that's a different discussion.
Holly: No. No, I can do it.

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: How do you tell somebody that you care about deeply, "I told you so"? Gently? With a rose? In a funny way, like it's a hilarious joke? Or do you just let it go because saying it would just make things worse? Probably the funny way.

Quote from Michael Scott

Holly: Can I have everyone's attention? Excuse me! May I have everyone's attention, please? We need to finish the ethics seminar.
Andy: No way, lady.
Kevin: It's a trap.
Holly: Everyone, please, I just need your signatures to show corporate I gave you the training.
Meredith: Don't sign anything.
Michael Scott: Okay, everybody listen up. If you are not in that conference room in 2 minutes, I'm going to kill you.
Stanley: It's a quarter to 5:00, and I have started to gather my things.
Michael Scott: Get in there right now, or I'm gonna lose it!

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: I just don't want my employees thinking that their jobs depend on performance. I mean, what sort of place is that to call home? And Meredith needs this job. This is her main source of money.
Holly: Well, that's very sweet, but we have to follow the protocol. Those are the rules.
Michael Scott: Okay, new idea. We don't report at all. We just punish her.
Holly: We punish her?
Michael Scott: Uh-huh. Tell her, she can't have sex for 6 months.
Holly: I don't think we could enforce that.
Michael Scott: I don't know. I saw this thing, like a belt with a key.
Holly: A chastity belt.
Michael Scott: Yeah, it's more of a underwear garment that has little spikes, like, made of I think sometimes they're made of metal. You know what I'm talking about. You unlock a little door that- Down- Where you- Where you put- Where you put the...

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: I will be honest with you, that car ride did not go well. And that was not my fault. The only reason I am standing out here right now is because I don't want to take the elevator with her. And I am holding on to her leftovers. [throws the leftovers away]

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