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The Trip

‘The Trip’

Season 1, Episode 4 - Aired October 21, 2009

Frankie encourages Sue to take a stand when she is left off a field trip despite selling over $3,000 worth of cheese and sausage.

Quote from Bob

Frankie: Honey, that's just not fair.
Bob: What's not fair?
Frankie: Sue sold enough sausage and cheese to win the big trip and she's not on the list to go.
Bob: Oh, those monsters! I'm gonna cancel my check.


Quote from Sue

Frankie: [v.o.] This was a big step for Sue. She was finally making a stand. Yep, this girl was gonna be heard. Eventually.
Sue: [clears throat] Mr. Perez? I sold over $3000 of cheese and sausage to, you know, go on the trip to Indianapolis.
Mr. Perez: Who are you?
Sue: Sue. Sue Heck. I'm in your fifth period Spanish class?
Mr. Perez: I don't think so.
Sue: Anyway, I sold over $3000 worth of cheese and sausage to, you know, go on the trip to Indianapolis.
Mr. Perez: Good for you, Sandy. We'll see you on the bus.
Sue: See, that's the thing. I'm not on the list. But I sold over...
Mr. Perez: Okay, I'll look into it.
Sue: Really? Gracias, heh! [speaks Spanish] [laughs]

Quote from Brick

Brick: Great advice, Axl! Now we're married and we have a baby!

Quote from Sue

Frankie: [v.o.] I really thought I nailed the Sue thing. I had taught her to stand up for herself. I was so pumped I was even making dinner. Yup, she's lucky to have me.
Sue: I did it. I talked to Mr. Perez. And neither one of us cried.
Frankie: Oh, great.
Sue: I did it, Dad. I was a little bit scared at first... Okay, a lot scared. [chuckles] But I stood my ground and explained the situation.
Frankie: And?
Sue: And he said he'd look into it! Yay!

Quote from Sue

Frankie: Morning.
Sue: Trip to Indianapolis is today and they didn't call. I was all packed and everything. Now I'll never see the state seal up close.
Frankie: What? No, no, no. You said the trip is next Saturday.
Sue: Yeah, it was next Saturday when I said it. Now it's today.
Frankie: It's today? What...? They can't do that.
Sue: They said they'd look into it. I'm beginning to think they didn't.

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: [horn honking] Pull the bus over!
Frankie: [v.o.] Okay. I know this doesn't look safe, but I have dual air bags.
Frankie: You! I'm talking to you!
Frankie: [v.o.] I think.

Quote from Sue

Mr. Perez: I'm sorry, she's not on the list.
Frankie: Wanna take it from here? Really give it to him.
Sue: Um, I sold more than enough cheese and sausage to be on this trip.
Frankie: She sold more than enough to be on this trip!
Sue: I demand to be on this bus.
Frankie: She demands!
Sue: I strongly suggest...
Frankie: Strongly suggests... Okay, you know what, I'm gonna take it from here. Good job, though.

Quote from Brick

Mike: Unfortunately, she's the kind of girl who won't move on until she's found some other poor sucker she can torment.
Brick: Hmm.
Mike: Oh, yeah. Olivia called earlier. She wants you to buy her lunch tomorrow. She said it's her favorite and that you would know it is.
Brick: Oh, God. I don't.

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: [v.o.] Oh, and Brick? Turns out he could take care of himself too.
[After a taller kid bullies a smaller kid out of his lunch, Brick throws down a baggy of Olivia's favorite snack next to him and walks away]
Olivia: You're my boyfriend now.
Boy: Okay.
Frankie: [v.o.] Damn, I'm good.

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