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The Neighbour

‘The Neighbour’

Season 1, Episode 12 - Aired January 6, 2010

Frankie confronts her scary neighbor, Rita Glossner (Brooke Shields), after Sue is tormented by her children and dog. Meanwhile, Axl teaches Brick how to kick a ball.

Quote from Rita Glossner

Rita Glossner: Yeah?
Mike: Uh... Hi. I'm, uh, Mike Heck from down the street. I wanna talk to you about your boys.
Rita Glossner: What about them?
Mike: Do you wanna maybe put something on? I can wait. It's a little bit chilly.
Rita Glossner: That's okay, I run hot. Look, my boys are good boys.
Mike: Really? Well, your sons challenged my daughter to a fight and then they stole her boom box.
Rita Glossner: Why would there be a boom box if they was fighting?
Mike: I guess there was some choreography... And, you know what, that's not the point. The point is, my daughter simply asked them to control their dog, and then...
Rita Glossner: Or maybe your girl's got a crush on my Rodney. And when he told her he didn't like her back, she decided to get revenge. Happens to us all the time. We're charismatic. [downs beer] [throws can] [belches]
Mike: No, she doesn't like your son.
Rita Glossner: Eyes up here, buddy.
Mike: What?
Rita Glossner: Don't see you buying me a drink. Eyes up here.
Mike: My eyes are up here.


Quote from Rita Glossner

Rita Glossner: I see what's going on. That tiny wife of yours freezing you out? Thought you'd come and sniff around because you heard Bill left.
Mike: What? No, I just want my boom box and I want you to control your dog.
Rita Glossner: It's not my dog. It's Bill's dog. You got a problem with the dog, you got to take it up with him.
Mike: Fine, then. Where's Bill?
Rita Glossner: Beats me. We had a fight. I stabbed him in the ass with a fork. I haven't seen him since. Eyes up here.
Rodney Glossner: Mom, I'm going out.
Rita Glossner: What are you telling me for?
Mike: Rodney, I wanna talk to you. Hey, wait a minute.
Rita Glossner: You get away from my boy.
[As Mike points to Rodney, his coat button gets caught on Rita's bra strap]
Mike: I'm caught. Oh, my God, I am so sorry. Really, that was an accident. You gonna put that away?

Quote from Mike

Frankie: Where's the boom box? Did you talk about the dog?
Mike: I think so. I'm pretty sure I did before it came out.
Frankie: "It"? What's "it"?
Mike: She was wearing this bra...
Frankie: You saw her bra?
Mike: Frankie, my eyes were up here, I swear. And, I mean, I saw things peripherally, but that's the way, you know, God made eyes. If you're gonna be mad at anybody, blame God for making peripheral vision.
Frankie: What are you talking about?
Mike: Her boob popped out, sort of. Okay?
Frankie: How did that happen? Boobs just don't pop out on their own.
Mike: I don't know. I was reaching or pulling. I don't know, it all happened so fast.
Frankie: What is this?
Mike: I don't know. There's a whole chunk I don't remember. I was trying to stop Rodney.
Frankie: Her son was there?
Mike: Yeah. He didn't seem all that shocked to see it, so who knows what that means? Anyway, I just got the hell out of there.

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: Oh, my God, Mike. Oh, my God. I've spent the last 12 years trying to keep the peace, and you blow it all in 15 minutes. We're dead, Mike. We're all dead. [screams] Someone's in the window.
Mike: It's your reflection.
Frankie: Yeah, this time.

Quote from Brick

Brick: I finished your book report.
Axl: Cool. Where is it?
Brick: In a safe place. You'll get it when you teach me how to kick a ball.
Axl: Nicely played, little man. Nicely played.

Quote from Brick

Frankie: [v.o.] So for the next few days, Axl was paid, page by page, to be nice to his brother.
[Axl and Brick build LEGO together]
[Axl rubs Brick's hair as he lays his head down on the couch]
Axl: No, not again. We just watched Charlie Brown for like the seventh time.
Brick: Yeah, but this time, we're gonna mute the sound and act out the parts ourselves.
Axl: I'm gonna need two pages for that.
Brick: Deal. I would have given you three.

Quote from Rita Glossner

Frankie: Hi. Hi, Rita. I just wanted to stop by and, um... Well, if you look in here, I think you might find a few items you'd like.
[After Rita takes the grocery bag and closes the door, Frankie knocks again. Rita opens the door.]
Frankie: There is no need to thank me for the food. Just being neighborly because that's what neighbors do. Help each other.
Rita Glossner: Okay.
[After Rita closes the door, Frankie knocks again. Rita opens the door]
Frankie: You're probably a little embarrassed, but don't be. I'm just reaching out here, trying to get to know you, you know? And, please, what I did certainly doesn't require a thank-you.
Rita Glossner: Good.
[After Rita closes the door, Frankie knocks again. Rita opens the door]
Rita Glossner: What?
Frankie: Actually, it does require a thank-you. I don't have a lot of money. And I bought you all those groceries...
Rita Glossner: Now look, if you wanna go around giving people food so you can feel high and mighty about yourself, fine. Don't expect me to kiss your behind.

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: That's right. Come on, get your stuff. We don't have to be afraid anymore. Mr. Miller, there's a rake with your name on it.
Rita Glossner: All right, that's it. I am calling the police.
Frankie: No, you're not. [Rita holds up her cell phone as Frankie tries to grab it] You know what? Go ahead, call them. I'm sure they'd be very interested in all this stuff. Hey, Mrs. Leedy. Well, look what we have here. The lawn chair you thought disappeared.
Rita Glossner: She may have one like it, but this is mine.
Frankie: Mrs. Leedy, is this your lawn chair?
Mrs. Leedy: I... I...
Frankie: Mrs. Leedy, is this or is this not your lawn chair? Tell the truth or lose our neighborhood forever.
Mrs. Leedy: Oh. Yes! Yes, it's my lawn chair!
Frankie: It's my neighborhood now! Come on.
Rita Glossner: Well, I might be pregnant with a pro basketball player's kid. I'm gonna be out of this town soon anyway.

Quote from Brick

Axl: Yeah, uh, we got a problem. This report you did for me, I only got a C, so...
Brick: What'd you expect? I'm in second grade.

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: I got candy. Okay, Brick? We're kicking for candy. [rolls the ball to Brick] Oh, all right, well, you kicked your own leg by mistake.
Brick: I'm sorry.
Frankie: Don't be sorry. It's all about timing. Let me show you. Roll me the ball. [kicks the ball] Woo-hoo!
Brick: Nice kick, Mom.
Frankie: Did you see that ball...? Oh.
Brick: That's that, then.
Frankie: Oh, well.

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