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The Friend

‘The Friend’

Season 4, Episode 13 - Aired January 23, 2013

Frankie gets overly involved when she encourages Mike to hang out with their new neighbor, Jeff (David Koechner). Sue is unhappy when the cheerleaders take over supporting the wresting team. Meanwhile, Brick causes Axl to question whether he's intellectually compatible with Cassidy.

Quote from Sue

Sue: Courtney. Debbie. We gotta talk.
Courtney: Hi. Are you our new transfer student?
Debbie: Welcome to Orson High.
Sue: I am not a transfer student. I'm Sue Heck. My brother is Axl? You've talked to me at my house? You know what? Doesn't matter. Look, Wrestlerettes already exist, and that's our job. We're the ones who cheer for the wrestling team, so your cheering services will not be needed.
Debbie: Court, what are Wrestlerettes?
Courtney: I don't know, but it's a fun name. We should use it.
Sue: No! You can't use it because I came up with it... last year, when I founded Wrestlerettes.
Debbie: Wait, I don't think "founded" is a word, is it?
Courtney: Mm, I think people mostly say "found," like "lost and found." Oh, is that what you're looking for? It's in the main office.
Debbie: And totally feel free to come watch us cheer for the wrestlers. And good luck at lost and found.


Quote from Axl

Brick: Axl?
Axl: Shh. I'm talking to my lady.
Brick: That doesn't look like talking.
Axl: We're Snapchatting. It's for grown-ups. You'll do it, too, in a few years when you get a phone. And then in a hundred years when you get a girlfriend. [laughs]
Brick: Can I ask you something? Do you ever worry that Cassidy might get bored with you if you don't share the keys to a lasting relationship, such as friendship and intellectual stimulation? Just thinking out loud.
Axl: Ugh. Where'd you hear all that junk?
Brick: At the library in the dollar bin, I picked up Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus. Not actually a science fiction book, as it turns out. But it did talk a lot about how a couple needs to find common ground to keep the relationship strong.
Axl: Hey, we got plenty in common. We both think I'm awesome. Now just shut up. I gotta say good night to my girlfriend.
[Axl disappears under his bed cover with his camera phone]

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: What was that about?
Mike: Uh, he asked me to watch the game with him. I said fine. That was it.
Frankie: Ooh. Where you gonna go?
Mike: I don't know.
Frankie: Well, is it gonna be a full dinner, or is it just drinks and light snacks?
Mike: It's not a wedding, Frankie.
Frankie: Well, okay. That sounds super. Let me know if you need help picking out an outfit.

Quote from Sue

Sue: Okay. I know you all saw the assembly the other day, and I am sure you had the same reaction I did.
Becky: Yeah, the cheerleaders were really good.
Sue: No. Weren't you listening? The cheerleaders are stealing Wrestlerettes from us. You guys, we have to do something about this.
Ashley: That sounds like it could take a while. This is the night I usually bury things I found during the week.
Ruth: Oh, I could sew together a spirit quilt for the cheerleaders, to bless them in their endeavors.
Sue: No. We're not burying anything, and we are not blessing anyone. We built Wrestlerettes from the ground up, and we gotta fight for it. Who's with me?
Becky: Wait. We're-- We're gonna fight? 'Cause I got a sock full of old batteries in my locker. I call the blonde one.
Sue: Becky!

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: Hi. How'd it go?
Mike: Did you ask Jeff to hang out with me?
Frankie: What? No. I mean, I ran into him outside when I got the mail.
Mike: That's a "yes." That's a Frankie "yes."
Frankie: [sighs] What happened? Did- Did you have a bad time?
Mike: I had a fine time.
Frankie: Hey, you had a fine time. That's great. So you guys getting together again?
Mike: Nope.
Frankie: Well, why not?
Mike: Oh, I don't know. Maybe 'cause I'm shy.
Frankie: Okay, listen...

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: Mike, I'm sorry. I thought you two would like each other. Even Nancy Donahue thought it would be a good idea to get you guys together.
Mike: You talked to Nancy Donahue about me. That's it. We're movin'.
Frankie: Look, it doesn't matter how you and Jeff met. The point is, you can't let pride stand in the way of what could be a great friendship.
Mike: Frankie, no more talking about me to anybody. Period. Got it? [closes door]
Frankie: [o.s.] Can I at least tell Nancy it went well?

Quote from Axl

Axl: Now you don't need to know all of them. Just pick one. That way, if someone talks to you about a particular artist, you respond by saying, "That's interesting that you like this artist, but I like... blank."
Axl: Hmm. Great. Perfect. Now just show me this Blank dude's stuff, and let's kick art's sorry ass. [laughs]

Quote from Axl

Cassidy: Okay. What's going on here?
Axl: [sighs] I don't know. (Chuckles) Um, doesn't it bother you we don't have deep conversations and stuff?
Cassidy: Not really. Guess I never thought about it. Does it bother you?
Axl: Well... yeah. [chuckles] Kinda. I... I know what's going on in here, but I don't always say it. You know, I don't always express it. And before, I never really cared, but when you start, like... falling for somebody... I just want to make sure that you see there's more to me than... you know, everybody else sees.
Cassidy: That's a pretty deep thought, Axl.
Axl: Oh, yeah?
Cassidy: Yeah. I like it.
Axl: You like my thought, huh? My thought turn you on?
Cassidy: Oh, yeah.
Axl: How about I give you another one?
Cassidy: I'd like another one.
Axl: I bet you would. [they kiss]

Quote from Sue

Sue: Okay, okay. They were really good. But we can do this. This is the moment we've been waiting for our entire lives.
Ruth: The rapture?
Sue: No, Ruth. But that's a biggie, too.

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: [v.o.] Well, it's no surprise that we didn't see our new neighbors much after that. Although we did see them briefly the other day.
[When Frankie and Mike wave to Colleen and Jeff as they unpack groceries from the car, the couple nervously shuffle off dropping a bag of chips on the way]
Frankie: [v.o.] I don't know. Maybe it's true I can't leave well enough alone. But I like to think I'm striving for excellence in a family of settlers. Sometimes you succeed and sometimes you don't. You know, I'm glad we didn't become friends with them. They're weird. Yeah. They're definitely weird.

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