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The Diaper Incident

‘The Diaper Incident’

Season 2, Episode 3 - Aired October 6, 2010

When Frankie goes to the store get diapers for Sue's baby-sitting job, she is horrified when a store clerk assumes she is shopping for adult diapers. Meanwhile, Sue develops a crush on Sean Donahue.

Quote from Brad

Mike: Hey, Brad. Look at you... Tap dancing on my porch where the neighbors can see.
Brad: Hi, Mr. Heck. Just keeping my thighs hot while Sue grabs my colander.
Mike: I have no idea what that means, but why don't you wait inside?
Brad: Okay.


Quote from Mike

Mike: What are you doing?
Frankie: Oh, nothin'. I was just lookin' for a button. Oh! There it is. Oh. It's a corn flake.
Mike: Hey, today's our anniversary.
Frankie: What? Really?
Mike: Yeah. I forgot, too, but Bob sent us a card.
Frankie: That's nice.
Mike: And weird.

Quote from Sue

Sue: Brad and Sean are out there together. God, how did I mess everything up? I hope they don't fight over me.
Carly: Sean would kill him! He plays football.
Sue: Yeah, but Brad's pretty tough, too. He's been taking movement classes.

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: [v.o.] So I decided to tough it out and hope a warm bath would loosen up my plugging-in injury. I know, I know. I should've just told him. Don't judge.

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: Uh, hello. I'm in here.
Brick: Oh, sorry.
Frankie: No, I meant, go to your own bathroom, Brick. Hey, you know, wait a minute. My water's a little cold. I need you to turn on the hot water for me.
Brick: Why can't you do it?
Frankie: Well, you see, uh... Here's the thing, Brick. I kinda hurt my back lifting something very heavy.
Brick: But you guys always say I'm not old enough to use the hot water by myself.
Frankie: You're plenty old enough. Go ahead. Give it a spin. [Brick turns the tap] Yep. That's enough. You can turn it off. N-no. Ow. Ow. The... the other way.
Brick: Which way?
Frankie: To the right.
Brick: My right or the knob's right?
Frankie: Who cares about the knob's right? Your right! Ow! You're boiling me alive! Aah!

Quote from Sue

Sue: I don't think I can do this anymore. Brad's heartbroken. Sean's from, like, a really prominent family. I can't handle a love triangle. I'm not a Kardashian.
Carly: We could use some of their wisdom right now.
Sue: Worst of all, it's made me take my eye off the ball, which is cross-country. There's only one thing to do here. I gotta tell Sean it's not gonna work.

Quote from Brick

Frankie: Righty tighty, lefty loosey!
Brick: It won't turn off! I don't know what I'm doing, and I still have to pee!
Frankie: No! Righty tighty, Brick!
Brick: Aah! And stop yelling at me! [water stops] I don't know how you guys do that every day.

Quote from Axl

Axl: Now that video games are homework, they're not as much fun anymore.
Sean: Yeah. I need to eat. I'm getting dizzy.
Axl: Yeah. Yeah, let's hit the drive-through. I want a hamburger and, uh... Those things.
Sean: French fries.
Axl: No, but we should get those, too.
Sean: I should write this down.
Axl: Yeah.

Quote from Sue

Sean: Hey. We're going out to get food. Do you wanna come?
Sue: I want to, Sean. I really do. But my life is way too complicated right now. I think I really need to just focus on cross-country, and I hope you can understand that. The timing is just all wrong. Oh. Isn't that always the case? So... I guess what I'm saying is, I'm sorry, Sean, but I can't go with you.
Sean: We'll bring you back some nuggets. Later. [Sean and Axl leave] That was the hardest thing I have ever done. I'm gonna try and watch "Eclipse" and get my mind off it, but I don't think it's gonna work.

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