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Thanksgiving IX

‘Thanksgiving IX’

Season 9, Episode 7 - Aired November 14, 2017

The Hecks take a road trip as they race to Frankie's sister's house for Thanksgiving dinner. Meanwhile, Sue, Axl and Brick are all working at Spudsy's now, but the manager decides he only needs two of them.

Quote from Frankie

Mike: Now this guy's saying that to get access to your account, he has to know your favorite movie.
Frankie: Oh, gosh, it's either Wizard of Oz or Overboard. It's funny... If you would just sit down and watch it.


Quote from Sue

Sue: Mom! Dad! We got money! I just hope it's enough.
Frankie: [gasps] Wow, where'd you get all that?
Axl: Well, I was able to procure 35 cents from a fellow potato engineer's tip jar.
Sue: And the rest we got from the mall fountain, at least until the security guard kicked us out.
Brick: He wasn't as funny as George, not the way Edwin does him, anyway.
Sue: And I know it's bad to steal from a fountain, so I threw a penny back in and wished for God to forgive us for taking the money.

Quote from Brick

Sue: Of course that's how you did it. You are such a child, Axl. Unlike you, I am an adult, and I will defend my job in an adult manner... you butt!
Brick: Not me. You choked 'cause you're a choker. Choker! Am I getting in your head? Huh? Am I getting in your head?

Quote from Frankie

Sue: I know! What is going on? Like that stinky mall person stealing our tip-jar money.
Frankie: I'm not surprised. Everybody is stealing now... tip-jar money, identities. That's why credit-card companies assume fraud, and in order to get into your account, you have to remember that Overboard is your favorite movie. [all groan] It's good!

Quote from Mike

Brick: I'll bet Cindy never even got the letter I sent her. Obviously, the mailman took it and stole the money. But as the weird kid, I don't find human cruelty as surprising as you guys do.
Sue: You know, I am almost always on mankind's side, but right now mankind is making it real hard to stand up for it.
Mike: Well, you better get used to it 'cause that's the world we're living in.
Frankie: All right, all right, all right, let's... let's not go down this rabbit hole. It's Thanksgiving, and we still have a lot of things to be thankful for. [brakes squeal]
Mike: Name one.

Quote from Mike

Axl: Okay. [grunts] Good news is nobody got hurt. The bad news... We are gonna be stuck in this forever. But guess who I saw about six cars up.
Frankie: A chip delivery truck?
Axl: The tollbooth jerks.
Sue: [gasps] No! Were they mean? Did they apologize?
Axl: No, they acted like nothing even happened.
Mike: Idiots.
Frankie: Slime balls.
Sue: Meanies.
Brick: Par for the course.
Mike: Yep, this turned out to be a great Thanksgiving. World... one. Hecks... zero.

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: Mine!
Man: Oh, hi. No, I just saw that you were eating, and, you know, I've got some stuffing. Clearly, I'm not making it to my cousin's for Thanksgiving, so I thought you might want some.
Frankie: Oh! Wow! Thank you! And by "mine," I meant mine to share. These are my famous twice marshmallowed sweet potatoes. Here. Help yourself.
Man: Thank you. Don't mind if I do.
Woman: Hey. Are we sharing food? I've got rolls.
Frankie: Oh, thanks!
Woman: Ooh, stuffing!

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: Um, okay, I'm sorry. I just have to say something. You're bringing over cranberries after you flipped us off?
Jocelyn: Wait, that was you? Oh, we were scared because you were chasing us and honking and driving erratically. We were afraid it was a road-rage thing, what with the way the world is these days.
Frankie: [chuckling] No, we're not road ragers. We're Good Samaritans. We just wanted to see your reaction after we paid your toll.
Jocelyn: What? You didn't pay our toll.
Frankie: We paid it.
Mike: Uh, no, we did. We told the tollbooth guy, "We're paying for us and the car behind us." He didn't tell you?
Jocelyn: No, we just paid him. But that's so sweet of you to pay our toll. Thank you. Sort of restores my faith in mankind.
Frankie: Oh, it's nothing. Happy to do it. We're not in it for the thanks. You got to try my sweet potatoes.
Jocelyn: Oh, okay.
Frankie: [v.o.] I don't know. Maybe there is a lot wrong with the world, but there's a lot right with it, too.

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: [v.o.] I mean, sure, it's easy to stay in your car and complain about what's wrong with the world, but the truth is when you get down to it, we all want the same thing... to get where we're going to be with the people we love. So if you get out of your car and actually talk to folks, you realize we're all in it together, and maybe the world is just one spontaneous tailgate Thanksgiving away from all getting along.

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