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Thanksgiving IV

‘Thanksgiving IV’

Season 4, Episode 8 - Aired November 14, 2012

As Frankie tries to tidy up the house in honor of two Marines who are attending Thanksgiving dinner, her parents Pat (Marsha Mason) and Tag (Jerry Van Dyke) won't stop bickering with eachother. Meanwhile, Axl gets good news about his injury.

Quote from Tag

Tag: It was a moonless night. I was stationed in Korea. And my boot came untied-
Pat: Everyone's heard the story, Tag. You tell it every Thanksgiving.
Tag: The Marines haven't heard it.
Pat: Yes, they have. You've told that story so many times, it's gone all the way around the world, and even they have heard it.


Quote from Frankie

Frankie: [v.o.] So as we learned, Thanksgiving is not a holiday for observers. And the next day, we were still stewing in our own family juices.

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: [v.o.] Sue blamed herself. Without her mascot head, she just couldn't bring the spirit. Luckily, Brad scrounged up what he could from his theater camp, but the thundering chicken bear didn't exactly scream confidence.

Quote from Brick

Announcer: Wilson drops back to pass. He finds Axl Heck. Heck drops the ball!
Brick: And I thought the end of Love Story was sad.

Quote from Axl

Frankie: [v.o.] Sue's speech worked. Once Axl stopped thinking, he scored two more touchdowns and led his team to the city championship.
Jack Tracy: Hey! That was one hell of a second half you played there, Heck. I'm really hoping to see you and that healed foot of yours at East Indy next year.
Axl: Yeah? Me and my foot would love that.

Quote from Axl

Cassidy: That was an amazing game. I've never seen anything like it. I'm not gonna tell you you were awesome, 'cause you already think you're awesome. But that was pretty awesome.
Axl: Wait, you- you saw the game? I thought you had dinner with your boyfriend.
Cassidy: Yeah, well, that kind of got cut short when I told him that I like somebody else.
Axl: You like somebody else?
Cassidy: Yeah. You.
Axl: Oh. [laughs] Sorry, I've been told not to think.
Cassidy: Do you have any plans?
Axl: Yeah, but... I can blow 'em off. What'd you have in mind?
Cassidy: This. [kisses Axl]

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: [v.o.] We never did quite get why Brick loved that book so much. Maybe it's 'cause everyone loves a great love story. Whether it's that magical moment at the beginning when everything is new and exciting, or even when it's not so new and exciting.
Pat: [o.s.] What are you doing? We're supposed to be on I-70.
Tag: [o.s.] I'm not taking 70. I know a shortcut.
Pat: [o.s.] Oh, God, not another shortcut. We'll be lucky if we're home by Christmas.
Tag: [o.s.] Fine, fine. We'll take 70. But only because you're cute.
Pat: [o.s.] Oh.
Frankie: [v.o.] After all, the greatest love stories are the ones that last forever.

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