Lexie Quote #29

Quote from Lexie in Mommapalooza

Axl: Look, hopefully someday my balance will eventually reach a non-embarrassing level, but I will never be a big baller like your dad, with four different vacation houses.
Lexie: Five.
Axl: Seriously?
Lexie: He just bought a ranch, but it's tiny. It doesn't even have a motor court.


 ‘Mommapalooza’ Quotes

Quote from Brick

Sue: Okay, so, what do we do? Dad didn't give us enough drywall to fix a hole this big. He's gonna freak out.
Brick: I'm not gonna lie. It's gonna be really rough for you.
Sue: Me? You're the one who did this.
Brick: Well, you're the older sister who left her little brother to do major home repair on his own. Besides, if Dad flips out, I can just play the quirk card. I shrug, I look confused, throw in a few whoops and whispers, lick something if I have to... I'm off scot-free.
Sue: Oh, my God. You're diabolical.
Brick: I am not diabolical. [whispers] Diabolical. [normal voice] It's so easy. [whispers] It's so easy. [normal voice] Okay, that one wasn't planned.

Quote from Sue

Sue: Ugh! Come on, think, Sue, think! [sighs] [gasps] Wait! Ah. Oh. Oh!
Brick: "Sue Heck for Historian". "Sue Heck for Library Representative". "Sue Heck for Cafeteria Liaison"?
Sue: Yeah, I tried to create an office for myself, and I still lost to a write-in. Some guy named Joe Schmo.
Brick: How's this gonna help us?
Sue: We use the poster board to fix the wall. If we patch and paint it right, no one will ever know.
Brick: "Sue Heck for East Indy Student Council"?
Sue: Oh, that one's for next week. I really think I'm gonna get it.

Quote from Mike

Mike: Swedish death cleaning?
Frankie: Yeah. Apparently, in Sweden, when you hit 50, you're supposed to start decluttering your life so you don't burden your loved ones with a bunch of stuff when you die.
Mike: I can't go back to the grocery begging for boxes again. Even they know you're never gonna clean.
Frankie: No, of course not. I'm saying, as I was watching it, it hit me... I'm that age. I'm the age where the Swedes want me to prepare for death.
Mike: Come on, Frankie. Last week it was the Greeks and eating more olive oil. [Frankie sighs] Why can't we just live like Americans and die with a garage full of crap?