Sue Quote #66

Quote from Sue in Average Rules

Frankie: [v.o.] The end of the school year. Finals, parent-teacher conferences, and that official teenage popularity meter:
Sue: The yearbooks are out.
Frankie: Oh. Wow, honey.
Sue: I haven't looked yet. I ran all the way home so we could look through it together. Wanna look and see how many times I'm in it?
Frankie: Sure, that's always fun.
Frankie: [v.o.] That's never fun.
Sue: Class officers, no. Clubs, no, other clubs, no.
Frankie: [v.o.] Every year it's the same. Poor Sue had tried out for God knows how many things.
[montage of Sue trying out]
Frankie: [v.o.] And she hadn't made a single one.


 ‘Average Rules’ Quotes

Quote from Frankie

Mike: She just keeps going. Where does she get that from?
Frankie: From me. I never give up.
Mike: You give up all the time. You gave up this morning.
Frankie: You're right. As I was saying that sentence, I almost gave up and stopped talking.

Quote from Sue

Sue: Oh! Maybe I'm in some candids from the lunchroom.
Frankie: Yeah, right.
Sue: Oh. I think that might be my shoe.
Frankie: Well, at least you have your class photo.
[When Sue flicks to her page, a "Picture Unavailable" message occupies her square]
Sue: Wait a minute. I retook that picture three times. I had three photos available.
Frankie: How did this happen? This is just not right.
Sue: That's okay. I'm pretty sure that one in the candids is my shoe. I'll just get everyone to sign it by my shoe. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's my shoe.

Quote from Axl

Axl: Hey, Mom, look. I'm using my history book as a plate. No cleanup for you. You're welcome.
Frankie: We got some pretty interesting news at your conference today. Apparently you're smart.
Axl: I am?
Mike: Yeah. Like extremely smart.
Axl: Wait. You sound mad. Your tone isn't really matching the words you're saying.
Frankie: That aptitude test you took? Your counselor told us you scored in the 98th percentile.
Axl: Out of how many?
Frankie: A hundred.
Axl: A-ha! Told you I was smarter than you thought. Good thing you caught me. I was just about to study. That would have been a big waste of time. [chuckles]
Mike: No, you're gonna get grades that reflect your smarts. Crack a book, to you a plate, get in your room and study. We're gonna be expecting a lot from you.
Axl: Oh, my God. You find out I'm really smart and you're still on me? I can't please you people. Aah! Stupid big brain.