Brick Quote #1006

Quote from Brick in The Crying Game

Mrs. Kozicki: Brick. Could I speak to you for a minute? Look, if you have a problem with me or my class, you should come talk to me instead of sending in your siblings.
Brick: Look, I didn't want to complain and say things aren't fair, but it kinda seems you don't like my brother and sister, so you're taking it out on me.
Mrs. Kozicki: What? No. This isn't about anything Axl or... I'm sorry. I'm drawing a blank.
Brick: Sue.
Mrs. Kozicki: Right. It's not about anything they did. Look, if I seem annoyed by you it's because of that thing you did at the beginning of the year.
Brick: What thing?
Mrs. Kozicki: I saw you lick my car.
Brick: The brown Chevy? The white Tercel? I lick a lot of cars.
Mrs. Kozicki: You do? I thought it was an act of aggression toward me.
Brick: What?! Oh, no. It's just a quirk. I'm working on it.
Mrs. Kozicki: Huh. Well, that's different. I-I guess I shouldn't have taken it so personally. [Brick grabs his bag] Actually, hold on, Brick. I... I know that you're at a slight disadvantage with that baby. There might be a better one in the box if you wanna swap it out.
Brick: No, that's okay. Somebody's gotta love the weird ones.


 ‘The Crying Game’ Quotes

Quote from Brick

Brick: Well, I did not have a good day. I just wanna get out in front of this... I might be getting a very bad grade in health. But it's not my fault. My teacher has it in for me.
Frankie: All right, tell me all about it.
Brick: Well, I thought my reproductive-system test would've brought up my grade, but turns out, I miscalculated. I thought I had two ovaries, but apparently that's not what mine are called.

Quote from Axl

Frankie: [v.o.] So Axl set out to help his brother and ask his old teacher to show Brick a little mercy.
Axl: Hi. Mrs. Kozicki? Axl Heck.
Mrs. Kozicki: I know who you are.
Axl: Right. Right. Um, look, this might be a bit overdue, but I know I didn't really return my baby in the best condition, so I just wanted to apologize.
Mrs. Kozicki: The baby? That's just the start. Look. [pulls down chart of "Female Reproductive System"] Your little flying butt men, in permanent marker. Not only is this destructive, but it sends a very confusing message about the human anatomy.
Axl: All right, that's my bad. But I just wanted to say...
Mrs. Kozicki: You ditched my class, you snored through my safety videos, and I can't even count how many times I walked in here to find Resusci-Annie and the skeleton in compromising positions.
Axl: Wow. Okay. Well, first of all, you have a very good memory. And yeah, I was kind of a tool back then, but I'm not that guy anymore. I have a really good job now.
Mrs. Kozicki: Uh-huh. You say you're working, and yet it's the middle of the day and here you are. Obviously you're putting the same effort into your job as you did my class.
Axl: Okay. Maybe I didn't come to your class 'cause it sucked. Yeah. I screwed around a lot. I admit it. But anybody can teach the dorks who want to learn. Isn't trying to reach guys like me the whole reason you took this job? And here I am, all these years later, trying to say sorry, and you're still treating me like crap. Well, maybe you should've been a better teacher! How about that?! Nobody likes you, Jody! Oh, why did I come here again? Oh! Also... [sighs] Don't fail my brother.

Quote from Sue

Sue: Oh! Mrs. K! Ahh! Ooh, it's so great to see you! I have missed you! Okay, I have been meaning to visit, but I have been so busy with college and applying for internships and my no-cut a cappella.
Mrs. Kozicki: I'm sorry. Who are you?
Sue: Sue. Sue Heck.
Mrs. Kozicki: Axl and Brick's sister?
Sue: Yes, but also Sue Heck... your student.
Mrs. Kozicki: Does not ring a bell.
Sue: Pbht. What? But we were really close. Remember? I made you that pencil cup holder that said "Have a Healthful Day"? [chuckles] You were in my high-school collage of my favorite high-school memories.
Mrs. Kozicki: Oh. Look, I've had a lot of students over the years. I can't remember every one.
Sue: Well, you should. Because they remember you. You know, teachers are so important to students during their formative years.
Mrs. Kozicki: Yeah, I guess you didn't really distinguish yourself.
Sue: Didn't distinguish myself?! I pulled your dog out of your boiling car in the parking lot. I gave him mouth to mouth. I saved his life.
Mrs. Kozicki: Well, I thought that was Ana Hajarajanaan.
Sue: I cannot believe how hurtful you're being. You know, kids look up to teachers. You are supposed to help mold students' lives, but you're not doing anything. Well, if I had any interest in becoming a teacher, I would come in here and just take your job! You're a disgrace to that apple that's not on your desk! I am gonna go home right now and crack open that Lucite and take you out of my collage! Oh, and please don't fail my brother.