Brick Quote #166

Quote from Brick in Super Sunday

Brick: Okay. Ready. Ready to discuss sports.
Mike: Really? Okay. Uh, let's see what you got. What is a quarterback?
Brick: Quarterback or cornerback? Because one leads the offense, and the other plays defense. Of course, the introduction of turf in the '70s sped up the defensive game to a point where the quarterback had to adapt, becoming more mobile out of the pocket.
Mike: Wow, Brick. And, you know, with the west coast offense...
Brick: Don't tell me anything past 1983. I only read up to where the Miami Dolphins drafted this guy named Dan Marino. He looks pretty good. I bet he won a lot of super bowls.
Frankie: [v.o.] It was the moment Mike had waited for his whole life, the day Brick said something he was actually interested in.


 ‘Super Sunday’ Quotes

Quote from Brick

Brick: Is that about the Super Bowl?
Mike: Yep.
Brick: Can I see it?
Mike: Sure.
Brick: [reads newspaper] Wow. This is really fascinating.
Mike: It is?
Brick: Yeah. See this font? It's Copperplate Gothic. I'd love to meet the typographer who laid this out.
Mike: You'd rather meet the guy that picked the font than the superstar running back they're writing about?
Brick: Hello. Copperplate Gothic. That's in the sans serif family of typeface. [whispers] Sans serif.

Quote from Brick

Frankie: [v.o.] Yep, I guess that's how it is on game day. Sometimes you win. Sometimes you lose. And sometimes it's enough just to participate.
Mike: So, Brick, uh, that Super Bowl logo, is that serif or sans serif?
Brick: Sans serif. See, Dad? If you can talk about fonts, you can talk to anyone.

Quote from Mr. Ehlert

Frankie: Mr. Ehlert? What are you doing?
Mr. Ehlert: I got the night eats.
Frankie: No, no, no! You are not eating and ruining your procedure!
Mr. Ehlert: What's with the drama? We can just reschedule for Monday.
Frankie: Do you even care what my plans were for this weekend? I was supposed to watch the Super Bowl with my family, and my daughter's in a square dancing competition, and I can't go to it because of you!
Mr. Ehlert: Look, Frances... The truth is, I'm scared.
Frankie: You're not scared.
Mr. Ehlert: Okay, I'm not scared. Now give me my pork rinds!
Frankie: No! No! No, no, no! I've worked for you for two years, and you still make me get you coffee, clean your tie, look into your throat with a flashlight to see if your tonsils are inflamed. And then you say you're taking me to a management seminar, and I think, "Wow, he sees something in me." Well, you did see something in me... a sucker! And I take it and take it and never complain, because I need this job, but at some point, I need my self-respect more. I quit! [sighs] You'll need someone to drive you home in the morning, but when I get you home, I quit!