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You've Changed, Man

‘You've Changed, Man’

Season 4, Episode 10 - Aired January 9, 2020

As the Judge tries to find her Earth eraser in the Janets' voids, Michael and the humans try to come up with a new vision of the afterlife and get Shawn on board.

Quote from Chidi

Tahani: Hello, all. Thought as the universe is ending, you'd be less cheery.
Meg: Hard not to be cheery when you're eating this delicious frozen yogurt.
Chuck: I got a small amount of each flavor. It's the only way to ensure a mouthful of compromise.
Meg: You are so right.
Daisuke: Well said.
Chidi: Shut up! Shut up. Hi. Shut up. I'm confident now.


Quote from Eleanor

Eleanor: Oh, sorry. We're just short on time. Look, we have a new idea about how humans could be placed in the afterlife...
Chuck: We love it. We're in.
Michael: You don't even want to hear it?
Chuck: Nope. If you guys came up with it, it must be good.
Eleanor: Oh, yeah. Guys, they said yes. Let's take the win.

Quote from Jason

Tahani: Even for a demon, Shawn is being a real knob.
Jason: Guys, I know what we have to offer him to get him to change his mind.
Michael: What?
Jason: Something he wants. Once we figure that out, we're golden.

Quote from Janet

Judge: Not in you, either.
Bad Janet: I just have one thing left to say.
Judge: No. Not falling for that again. [mabrleizes Bad Janet] [the marble farts] Man, she is committed.

Quote from Shawn

Shawn: Had to do it one last time before all this goes away for good. So what are you offering me now?
Michael: Nothing. It's over. That was our last idea.
Shawn: Good. Soon, all your precious humans will be gone.
Michael: Yeah. It's too bad. Well, congrats, bud. You won. See you in a billion years.
Shawn: When the humans evolve again, I'll be right back at your throat, you traitor.
Michael: I mean, yeah, I know. That's why I said, "See you in a billion years."

Quote from Chidi

Judge: Okay, well, assuming we are redesigning the entire afterlife according to this plan, what do we do first? [all look at Chidi]
Chidi: Oh, don't look at me. I'm... I'm just the idea guy.

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