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The Answer

‘The Answer’

Season 4, Episode 9 - Aired November 21, 2019

Chidi relives moments from his time on Earth and his 802 afterlives as Michael wakes him up so he can find the answer for how to fix the Good Place.

Quote from Chidi

Michael: I need to go welcome some more residents. Are there any other questions I can answer for you before I go?
Chidi: Well, yes. Is... Is there a relationship equivalent to the oatmeal? Uh, is there, like, a sort of...
Michael: Soul mate? Yes. Every person in the Good Place has one perfect match. In an hour, come on by the little house that looks like a face and get the answer to your ultimate question. Her name's Eleanor.


Quote from Michael

[flashback montage:]
Michael: This is your soul mate, Salamasina.
Michael: Meet your soul mate, Guan-yin.
Michael: Tahani.
Michael: Karen.

Quote from Chidi

Chidi: Esmerelda, you don't bring knives to a friendly game night. I mean, who does that?
Esmerelda: The prepared.
Tahani: Chidi, Esmerelda. It's your turn.
Esmerelda: Blood. Seas of blood. Enemies.
Chidi: Uh, 1,000 years of darkness. Uh, nightmares.
Esmerelda: Blood. Ennui. Lamenting the unanswerable passage of time. Fire and blood! [buzzer sounds] You fool! It was birthday parties.
Chidi: Birthday parties?
Esmerelda: These trivialities demean me. I must away and tend to my ravens.
Tahani: Well... you never know what'll happen at game night. Let's continue. I think I can find you another partner.

Quote from Chidi

Chidi: Janet?
Janet: [appears] Hi, there.
Chidi: Hi. Uh, can I have, uh, a pen and some paper? I don't know if I'll see you again, or what I'll remember if I do, but if we do cross paths again... Sometime, somewhere... Can you give this back to me?
Janet: Of course. [kisses Chidi on the cheek and disappears]
Chidi: I'm ready.

Quote from Chidi

Michael: Hi, there, Chidi. Welcome back.
Tahani: Is he all right? Did you break him?
Michael: Hey, buddy. How you doing?
Chidi: Man, I'm doing great. Hey, so, for the past 300 years, have I been super annoying?
Eleanor: Oh, no...
Michael: No, no. I wouldn't say extremely. No, no.
Tahani: Well, not extremely.
Jason: Yes.
Chidi: Well, thank you, all of you, for everything you've done for me. You are wonderful people.

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