Sophia Quote #1507

Quote from Sophia in All Bets Are Off

Dorothy: Oh, there it is. Ma, what are you doing with my resume?
Sophia: Punching it up. How's this? "1946 - 1984: Took part in extensive anthropological research."
Dorothy: Why "anthropological research?"
Sophia: Because it's better than saying "married to a baboon for 38 years."


 ‘All Bets Are Off’ Quotes

Quote from Rose

Rose: I have to get a horse in this picture while it's still fresh in my mind. I don't know whether to paint Old Silver, the horse who brought the news to St. Olaf that the British had no intention of coming or Old Brisker, the horse who, because of a printing error on the ballot slips, was elected water commissioner for six months.

Quote from Blanche

Blanche: I, uh, I would lend you my pass to the jockeys' lounge, but you don't want to date a jockey. The sex is over too fast, and afterwards the only nice thing they have to say to you is, "Good girl, good girl."

Quote from Rose

Blanche: Well, Dorothy, I'm worried about you.
Dorothy: Oh, please, don't you start. I had a problem 15 years ago. That's a long time. I've learned a little something since then. A lot has happened. And I've lived with the temptations. [exits]
Blanche: Well, isn't that something? You think you know somebody, then you find out something like this. Hard to believe.
Rose: I'll say. To think Dorothy's lived with The Temptations. I've never even been to one of their concerts.