Sophia Quote #845

Quote from Sophia in Rose's Big Adventure

Rose: Who wants some?
Dorothy: Rose, if these had been offered to the Donner Party, they still would have eaten each other.
Rose: Don't be silly, Dorothy. They're delicious. You just have to know how to eat them. You hold your nose with one hand and pop a krispie in your mouth with the other. Mm-mm! That tastes like cheesecake, fresh strawberries and chocolate ice cream.
Blanche: Mm. My gosh, you're right. That is the best thing I have ever tasted.
Dorothy: Oh, this is delicious.
[Sophia walks into the kitchen as Dorothy, Blanche and Rose are pinching their noses]
Sophia: Hey, give me a break. You can't smell that from the hall.


 ‘Rose's Big Adventure’ Quotes

Quote from Sophia

Rose: I don't know what to do. I'm gonna have to sleep on it.
Sophia: "Sleep on it." Men. Sex. All I do is listen to your sexual problems. How about my sexual problems?
Dorothy: Ma, what is your sexual problem?
Sophia: I don't get any. And I read in a magazine where a woman is at her sexual peak at 83.
Blanche: Sophia, I read that same article. Honey, it was 33.
Sophia: Really? Then all those feelings I've been having lately must be colitis.

Quote from Blanche

Blanche: Dorothy, that was the last contractor in the book.
Dorothy: Oh, I just don't care. I am so fed up with all of these people, I'm ready to give up.
Blanche: Dorothy, you can't give up. You're no quitter. Why just think of the many times you have been dumped by a man. Did you quit dating? No, ma'am. You sank even lower, scraping the bottom of the barrel, facing certain humiliation. And why?
Dorothy: Thanks, Blanche. I get the point.
Blanche: No, I mean it, Dorothy. Why?

Quote from Sophia

Dorothy: Oh, for crying out loud, where is he now? This remodeling job is never going to be finished.
Blanche: Dorothy, relax. He'll be back.
Sophia: Who wants him back? The man's a thief. I haven't seen a crime like this in a garage since the St.
Valentine's Day Massacre.
Dorothy: Ma, you did not see the St. Valentine's Day Massacre.
Sophia: Oh, yeah, right. I was at the movies that day. All day.