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From Here to the Pharmacy

‘From Here to the Pharmacy’

Season 7, Episode 11 - Aired December 7, 1991

Blanche is swept off her feet by a solider who just returned from the Gulf War. Meanwhile, Rose helps Sophia prepare a will.

Quote from Rose

Dorothy: Rose, it's late. What are you doing up?
Rose: I'm just cleaning up some things on your mother's will.
Dorothy: Oh, you mean the legal language?
Rose: No. I spilled some sauce.


Quote from Sophia

Dorothy: Ma, what are you doing up?
Sophia: Disappointed, huh? If I'm up that means I'm alive, and if I'm alive, it means you can't get your hands on my money.
Dorothy: What are you talking about?
Sophia: You know about the will. You know if I die you'll be on easy street. What did you do, Dorothy, slip cyanide into my mouthwash? Ha, ha! The joke's on you, I don't use it.

Quote from Sophia

Rose: I do know what she's talking about, but I can't tell you. I couldn't violate the attorney-client privilege. Especially when we're talking about a sum as large as $35,000.
Dorothy: "$35,000"?
Rose: And four gold teeth. Oops.
Sophia: Nice going, counselor. Exactly how close to the television are you sitting when you're watching La Law?

Quote from Dorothy

Blanche: Oh, what a wonderful night. Now that Bill's getting out of the service, we can build a life together. Maybe with a VA loan we can get a nice little house in the country with a dog, a cat, a station wagon.
Dorothy: Blanche, you're talking like it's 1945. These aren't the best years of your life. These are the last years of your life.

Quote from Blanche

Dorothy: I was up all night thinking of how Ma's been hoarding all those checks from Phil and Gloria, while I've had to go without.
Blanche: Well, now, Dorothy, you really can't blame Sophia for your sex life.

Quote from Dorothy

Dorothy: Why don't you hug your money, Ma? From now on, I'm not paying for anything. You are on your own.
Sophia: You can't do this to me. You never touch the principal. That money's for my old age.
Dorothy: "Old age"? You don't leave fingerprints anymore.
Sophia: I'm in my twilight years.
Dorothy: You're in the Twilight Zone. Hopi Indians are walking around saying, "How does she do it?" Ma, you're cut off.

Quote from Blanche

Sophia: Yeah, dump him like you do all the rest.
Blanche: Well, ordinarily, I would, but how- How can I do that? He's- He's been dreaming of me for over a year. And I care about him. I mean, I care about him when he's a soldier. Oh, I said things to him last night, I've never said to anybody. Clean things.

Quote from Sophia

Dorothy: Ma, there's no catch. I just realized I like taking care of you. I just wish you could have told me about the money, so we could be honest with each other.
Sophia: It's not that I want the money. If I don't leave my children anything, I'm a nobody. How many times have I heard, "He provided well," or, "She didn't leave a dime"? I want you to be able to have everything you want when I'm gone. And when you do, you'll think, "I have this because of Ma."
Dorothy: Oh, Ma. Life isn't just valued by the money you leave. It's- It's the memories. The love. And you filled my life with that.
Sophia: You're right, pussycat. And I should want to see you enjoy some of that money while I'm still around. Here's a molar. Buy yourself something pretty.
Dorothy: That is so sweet. [darkly] Ma, I tell you what. Let me make you a cup of tea.

Quote from Blanche

Blanche: Well, anyway, this soldier really did go to the war, and he's gonna be here any minute, and I don't know what to do 'cause I can't remember him. All he said on the phone was that he had a great time with me the night before he left.
Dorothy: Oh, then it's got to be... anybody. [doorbell rings] Ah, there's your unknown soldier now.
Blanche: Oh, Dorothy, would you please get the door? And find out his name.
Rose: Blanche, what are you so worried about? The minute you see him, you'll remember.
Blanche: Rose, he's gonna be standin' up with his clothes on. He could be...
Dorothy: Anybody.

Quote from Sophia

Sophia: Can I come?
Dorothy: Sure, Ma.
Sophia: Oh, boy. We're going to the living room. We don't have much of a life, do we, Dorothy?

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