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Weird Science

‘Weird Science’

Season 5, Episode 1 - Aired September 27, 2017

Beverly has trouble letting go when she and Murray drop Erica off at college. Meanwhile, Adam tries to help Barry get over Lainey.

Quote from Erica

Erica: Anyway, uh, thanks for the invite, but I have company in here already.
Srini: As in romantic company?
Erica: Why do you care?
Srini: I just don't know what I'm gonna tell your mother.
Erica: She got to you, didn't she? You've been compromised.


Quote from Beverly

Beverly: Move! Follow the sound of my hand siren to safety!

Quote from Barry

Adam: As you can see, NASA needs to know exactly what your dream-girl looks like. Again, this is just between me, you, the American space program, and no one else.
Barry: That makes me feel safer about opening up to you.
Adam: Sure.
Barry: Tell NASA she has to have Heather Locklear's eyes, Julia Roberts' smile, Delta Burke's top stuff, Bo Derek's hair, but most important, Chuck Norris' sense of justice.
Pops: Oy, vey.
Barry: Time to make that button and make that closet explode with lightning and hot ladies.

Quote from Adam

Jackie: This list is ridiculous. How am I supposed to find a girl who likes "sensual karate" and "can kick a 50-yard field goal"?
Adam: Good news is he's looking for a very specific kind of gal.
Jackie: "Ability to communicate with dolphins and a savage tan"? Adam, this list is insane.
Adam: Look, this began with me worrying about my physical safety, but now I think Barry really needs this.
Jackie: Okay, sure. I'll try to find someone with Morgan Fairchild's side-butt. I don't even know what that is.
Adam: I believe in you.

Quote from Barry

Adam: Barry, great news. I have a girl for you.
Barry: Yes! I knew science was real.
Adam: I don't think that was up for debate.

Quote from Adam

Adam: I meant Jackie found someone.
Barry: You gave her my lady recipe? That was for NASA's eyes only!
Adam: I know. But she found someone who's got everything you asked for. Right?
Jackie: Um, I didn't hit everything on your list, but at the top, you asked for a girl, and I got that part.
Adam: That's not nothing, mister. I got goosebumps.

Quote from Barry

Barry: Thanks, Adam. You've officially made a mockery of our plan to have a computer print out a girl for me.

Quote from Barry

Barry: What's this?
Adam: I've revised your daily ass-kicking schedule for your year of awesome.
Barry: Go away. I don't need your pity.
Adam: Before you reject my offer, I think you'll agree that I've really jazzed up your options.
Barry: No.
Adam: Yes. You get to pants me in public, and not just anywhere, at the first pep rally of the year.
Barry: In front of the entire school? That'd be the Holy Grail of younger-brother humiliation.
Adam: Indeed. And I'm offering it to you wearing this.
Barry: Sweat pants? That's a loose garment ideal for pantsing.

Quote from Barry

Adam: The uncinched sweats will be loose beyond your wildest dreams.
Barry: Have you gone mad?
Adam: To get you back to your rightful place on top, I would rip the drawstring from every loose-fitting pant I own.
Barry: Wow, you really are a good brother.

Quote from Adam

Beverly: Oh, hey, Jackie. Are you staying for dinner? I'm making chicken-fried chicken Parm.
Jackie: Thanks, but I should just get going.
Adam & Jackie: Eskimo kiss.
Adam & Jackie: Butterfly kiss.
Adam & Jackie: Cheek kiss.
Both: And one last kiss in your palm so you can ball it up and stick it in your heart.
Adam: I, uh, taught her all the kisses. You don't mind, do you? Oh...

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