Barry Quote #610

Quote from Barry in Revenge o' the Nerds

Beverly: I need real ideas for my next big move. What do I do? Who do I become?
Barry: Oh, I know. A whale trainer.
Murray: Your mother doesn't even like to get her hair wet. She's not gonna ride some stupid orca.
Barry: Orcas are the nursemaids of the sea.
Murray: What do you know? We went to SeaWorld once.
Barry: Big Tasty knows everything there is about whales.
Murray: You tell me something I don't know about those dumb fish and I'll leave you alone. One thing.
Barry: Did you know whales age in reverse?
Murray: That's what you know? Shame on you for wasting my time.


 ‘Revenge o' the Nerds’ Quotes

Quote from Barry

Murray: Okay, you wanna change? I got it. Instead of parming shrimp, parm some delicious crab.
Barry: Or some of the big shrimp. You know, the big ones? You dip them into the red sauce. The big ones. They're thicker and bigger.
Murray: What are you talking about?
Barry: I'm trying to help your wife! The jumbo kind of shrimp, you know, you eat them cold, you dip them into cocktail sauce.
Beverly: Please stop talking about big shrimp.

Quote from Adam

Adam: Hey, Dad, when you were in college, did you ever build a Jacuzzi in your dorm room?
Murray: No.
Adam: Hey, Dad, did you ever use a laser to fill a house with popcorn?
Murray: No.
Adam: Hey, Dad, ever put a horse in your crusty old dean's office?
Murray: Will you pick a movie already? I got Chinese food stinking up the car!
Adam: "Revenge of the Nerds" it is. I hear the 10th viewing is when you really start noticing the nuances.

Quote from Beverly

Beverly: I did it. I worked the computer all by myself and made my first official resume.
Murray: What do you need a resume for?
Beverly: Da-doi. For the Bevolution, my new chapter in life where I move beyond being a mom and start tying new things, like saying "Da-doi."
Murray: Doesn't work.
Barry: Just horrible.
Beverly: And now I know.