Beverly Quote #543

Quote from Beverly in Crazy Calls

Beverly: I get boundaries, Adam. You don't want me to intervene or talk to you while you're at school.
Adam: Good.
Beverly: Until I see you struggle, and then I come in strong and hard.
Adam: Nope. Lost it.
Beverly: Okay, okay. We'll limit our interactions to hallway snuggies-
Adam: Mom!
Beverly: and brief Eskimo kisses.
Adam: Mom.
Beverly: Grr. Fine. I'll leave your little kitten nose alone.
Adam: Thank you.
Beverly: But at home, all bets are off.


 ‘Crazy Calls’ Quotes

Quote from Erica

Murray: Did anyone call while I was out?
Erica: Yeah. I wrote it down on the pad.
Murray: Flurt Burtman? Who the hell's Flurt Burtman?
Erica: I don't know. He was talking all fast, 'cause it was important. Anyway, call him back.
Murray: Call who back?! If it's important, I need to know the actual name.
Erica: I don't know. I'm not invested, because it wasn't for me.
Murray: What the hell's this message? "PP"?
Erica: Oh, Barry wrote that. My guess is he either drank too much Mr. Pibb or Pop-Pop called?
Murray: Wait. My dad called? He never uses the phone. He always thinks the Cubans are listening.
Erica: Oh, he calls all the time. He just says, "Tell the moron I'll call him back." Oh, so this is me giving you those dozens of messages.

Quote from Mr. Glascott

Mr. Glascott: Figuring out where to sit, eh?
Adam: Yeah.
Mr. Glascott: Ah, that's a sad dance that I know all too well. But lucky for you, I'm a guidance counselor, and I can guide you to lunchroom success.
Adam: Um, maybe I could sit with the preppies?
Mr. Glascott: Come on, man. You want to walk around in boat shoes with no socks? You want to invite that kind of fungus in your life?

Quote from Adam

Adam: That's right. This woman cheesed the drive, not us. Her!
Mr. Glascott: Whoa! That's a harsh accusation against a faculty member who's here one day a week.
Adam: It's true. She cheesed it. It's her signature culinary move.