Murray Quote #159

Quote from Murray in Livin' on a Prayer

Barry: Mom, dad, why are you home? You're supposed to be at the hotel. There was a banquet. Who skips a banquet?
Murray: A party?! I don't even like my own kids, let alone a house full of other people's!


 ‘Livin' on a Prayer’ Quotes

Quote from Adam

Adult Adam: [v.o.] When it comes to my childhood, I may not always remember exactly when something happened, or exactly who was there, but I do know that it was 1980-something and it was awesome.

Quote from Erica

Erica: You! Stop making out in my dad's chair. He lives there.

Quote from Murray

Murray: Here's the thing about that. Pass.
Beverly: No pass.
Murray: Pass!
Beverly: I already told them you'd be there.
Murray: Why would you do that? You know I don't have an interest in things.