Pops Quote #48

Quote from Pops in You're Under Foot

Pops: What the hell's that?
Murray: Ah, we do all our inventory on computers now.
Pops: What is this, the Star Wars?


 ‘You're Under Foot’ Quotes

Quote from Beverly

Erica: Bye.
Beverly: Don't say bye. Your S.A.T. prep course is at 4:00, so get your ass home after school.
Erica: I don't know what you're saying.
Beverly: Well, take off your walkboy.
Erica: It's called a walkman.
Beverly: Oh, now you can hear me?
Erica: I wish I couldn't.

Quote from Pops

Adam: Come on, pops. Let me win at least one.
Pops: That's a terrible lesson. I'm gonna beat your ass again real quick.

Quote from Murray

Murray: Bevy! Where's my other black sock?
Beverly: In your sock drawer.
Murray: That drawer is a wasteland of unmatched pairs. It's chaos!
Beverly: Then wear a different pair.
Murray: I've already got my black one on! Ugh! This is a nightmare!