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Grand Theft Scooter

‘Grand Theft Scooter’

Season 9, Episode 19 - Aired April 20, 2022

Beverly surprises Adam and Brea with a trip to Miama, but as usual there's a catch: they're actually going to pack up Pops' belongings. Meanwhile, Barry and Erica get their exam results.

Quote from Adam

Adam: We're headed to the beach. Brea's gonna bodysurf while I watch from the shore. I saw a picture of Pinocchio at the airport, and my fear of whales is bubbling up.


Quote from Beverly

Charlotte: Hello. Are you Beverly?
Beverly: Uh, that depends. Is this about the speed limit in this community? Because six is [bleep].

Quote from Beverly

Charlotte: I'm Charlotte. I was a friend of your dad's. Well, a girlfriend really.
Beverly: Ah, yes. Yeah, he had a lot of those. Um, but don't worry, I'm sure you were the special one.
Charlotte: Oh, Adam?
Adam: [quietly] Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Beverly: Adam, do you know this woman?
Charlotte: Does he know me? We came in second in the condo talent competition with our soaring rendition of the "Banana Boat Song."
Beverly: What... the actual... hell. [Adam chuckles] How many times have you met this woman I've never even heard of?
Charlotte: All four times he visited Albert down here.
Beverly: Adam [bleep] Goldberg.
Adam: The "F" is actually for Frederick, but you know that.

Quote from Erica

Erica: This old dude couldn't breathe. We were losing him, and as others froze...
Barry: I was assessing the situation, thank you.
Erica: This man's life was in my hands. These hands.
Matt: So delicate yet strong.
Naked Rob: Like lady hammers.
Andy: Can I touch them?
Erica: No.
Andy: I'm a tactile learner, but okay.
Erica: And I summoned all my strength. And thrust! Thrust! Thrust! And then, calzone nub. And so, life.

Quote from Geoff

Naked Rob: Wow. How'd you know what to do?
Erica: Instinct. Intelligence. Perfect skin. Um, and bravery.
Geoff: There was also that Heimlich chart next to the Orange Julius kiosk that we happened to be looking at earlier.
Andy: But where does the bravery come from? Like, how do you have it and others... [tilts head towards Barry] Don't?
Erica: I don't know. Maybe it stems from my credo, "You either live for something or you die for nothing."
Barry: That's Rambo: First Blood's credo.
Erica: Yeah, and he got it from me. Questions? More praise?

Quote from Matt

Matt: Can you take a look at this mole on my neck?
Barry: She's not a doctor-to-be. I am.
Matt: Yeah, yeah, yeah, but she clearly has a knack for this sorta thing. What do you think? Should I be worried?
Erica: Honestly, yes.
Matt: I'm scared, but it's good to know.

Quote from Barry

Erica: Anyway, the mall is holding a ceremony to honor me as Food Court Hero of the Year, so you guys should all come.
Geoff: She's getting free strombolis for life and something called the "Golden Tray."
Barry: Okay, you did fine punching that old geezer in the gut, but I'm the real doctor here. I crushed the MCAT.
Erica: Being a doctor isn't about filling in test bubbles.
Naked Rob: Bar, maybe you can be one of those doctors that runs the hospital. You know, a little less hands on.
Erica: Yeah, one of those admin types who's always worried about the budget, and denies healthcare to kids because of insurance issues.
Barry: That's it. One way or another, I'll reclaim my medical dominance. And you'll all be begging me to exam your moles and bodies.

Quote from Beverly

Beverly: Hitting the beach? Or would you rather not tell me, because you're a son who gets a cheap thrill from harboring dark family secrets?
Adam: Alright, relax.
Beverly: What kind of boy doesn't tell his own mother about his grandpa's lover?
Adam: I don't know, a normal boy?
Beverly: I just can't believe that this Charlotte was the only serious relationship he'd had since my mother died and I had no idea!
Adam: Maybe he didn't tell you because it wasn't actually that serious.
Beverly: Well, this box of pictures and love letters says otherwise. Who's up for story time?
Brea: Oh, that seems like a terrible idea. They could be deeply personal a-a-a-and she's reading them.

Quote from Beverly

Beverly: "Albert, my stallion..."
Brea: We had very different grandpas.
Beverly: "Last night on the shuffleboard court, our bodies moved as one."
Adam: That doesn't sound too serious. Just a couple of teammates in an innocent game.
Beverly: "As the waves crashed over us, the sea and sand filled what little space there was between us."
Adam: Sand in the bathing trunks. So annoying. I'm with Charlotte on this one.
Beverly: "Also that thing with your hands, how did you do that?"
Adam: Fine. I'll admit that it was serious if you please stop reading.

Quote from Beverly

Beverly: And then there's the pictures.
Adam: Close your eyes, Brea.
Brea: What?
Adam: Just do it.
Beverly: Dancing on New Year's Eve, ice cream on the pier, riding his scooter.
Brea: These all sound like innocent photos, Adam.
Adam: Not worth the risk.
Beverly: Wait, his mobility scooter. [gasps] That's where it is. That hussy stole it!
Adam: Wild accusation. But you seem to be off the photos.
Beverly: Oh, look. A whole roll of hot tub photos.
Adam: I don't think I like my graduation gift.
Brea: Who's taking these pictures?

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