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Daddy Daughter Day 2

‘Daddy Daughter Day 2’

Season 8, Episode 19 - Aired April 28, 2021

Murray tries to help Erica through her break-up with Geoff by taking her out for a daddy daughter day. Meanwhile, Adam agrees to be part of a school prank but gets cold feet.

Quote from Adam

Adult Adam: [v.o.] After duping my mom into giving me the keys to the school, I was one prank away from being a legend.
Barry: Hello, brother.
Adam: Gah! Barry! Were you just sitting in the dark waiting for me?
Barry: Just for three short hours. Not important. What's important is that prank you're trying to pull.
Adam: Well, I was thinking I'd sneak into Ball's office and write him an anonymous thank-you note for a great four years.
Barry: Then you douse it in kerosene, walk away in slow motion, and throw a lit match behind you?
Adam: Just the kind note. But maybe I'll throw in a handful of those butterscotches he likes.
Barry: That's not a prank! That's a cherished memory of his impact as an educator! I'm coming with you.
Adam: What? Why?
Barry: My legacy as a badass at William Penn Academy will be tarnished forever if you do something like put a daisy in everyone's locker.
Adam: Ooh, maybe with a little lavender for a playful pop of... Oh, my God. You have to help me.
Barry: Don't worry. With my know-how and you having the keys, we can't lose.


Quote from Erica

Johnny Atkins: Erica. So... how's your mom? She ever mention me?
Erica: Actually, yes. She's constantly reminding me and my brothers that if we don't try hard and graduate from college, then we'll end up like Johnny Atkins.
Johnny Atkins: Noice! Say "what's up" back. [chuckles]

Quote from Adam

Adult Adam: [v.o.] While my dad and Erica were off to a fancy meal, I was on my way to school to dress up our distinguished namesake.
Dave Kim: It's our beloved founder... dressed in a way I think would make him uncomfortable if he were alive.
Adam: The dork you've trusted with nothing has done that which you could not.
Mr. Perott: Bowie. Nice! Now that's a prank. [laughs]
Principal Ball: Oh, no. His stern demeanor has been vanquished. Who would do such a thing?!
Adam: 'Tis I!
Principal Ball: Goldberg, move. Somebody behind you just admitted it in the stupidest possible way.
JC Spink: No, it was Goldberg. He's mocking William Penn and you at the same time.
Dave Kim: I'm best friends with the guy who did that.
Brea: And I'm dating him. And look! I said it out loud without any hesitation.
All: [chant] Adam! Adam! Adam!

Quote from Adam

Beverly: Schmoo, I don't understand. Is this part of the mother-son prank?
Adam: Sorry, Mom, but there's no such thing as a mother-son prank.
Beverly: But you're a good boy who would never deceive his mama.
Adam: Turns out I'm a bad boy who feeds off the adulation of my peers. I'm a legend! We did it, Billy P! [taps statue] [rumble] Oh, no. Somebody stop it!
Mr. Perott: It's heading directly for my sweet ride! [Beverly gasps]
Adam: Oh, balls!
Mr. Perott: Oh, no, please! Oh, no.
Adam: I'm not a mechanic, but these things buff out, right?
Principal Ball: Adam, you're in big trouble. You did the one thing I asked you not to, and you destroyed a beloved faculty member's only mode of transportation.
Mr. Perott: [to his motorcylce] It's okay.
Beverly: And what's worse, you gently lied about celebrating our love in front of your friends and teachers.

Quote from Murray

Murray: You were right. I was so over my head.
Beverly: Okay, well, I'll take over from here.
Murray: No, no, no, no. I'm not giving up.
Beverly: No offense, but giving up is kind of your thing.
Murray: Not tonight.

Quote from Adam

Adult Adam: [v.o.] Sometimes we spend so much time worrying about the relationships we lost that we forget about the ones we still have.
Beverly: Where are you taking me?
Adam: You'll see.
Beverly: [gasps] The mother-son prank! Oh! Only it's not a prank and it says all the words!
Adam: I'm sorry I tricked you.
Beverly: [sighs] Adam, I'm never gonna forget this.
Adam: And neither will the rest of the school. [Beverly chuckles]
Adult Adam: [v.o.] Yeah, it's impossible to know exactly how you'll be remembered, but what we can control is the love we give and the time we take to actually be there for each other. In the end, that's a legacy anyone would be proud to have.

Quote from Beverly

Beverly: [to herself] Whoo! You still got it, Mama. Yes, you do!
Johnny Atkins: Mm. Truer words have never been spoken.
Beverly: Johnny Atkins?
Johnny Atkins: Someone's got Johnny on the brain.
Beverly: I'll tell the kids I ran into you.
Johnny Atkins: Or we can run into each other over drinks.
Beverly: I'm sorry?
Carla: You will be!
Beverly: Wh... Carla? I thought you died!
Carla: Just for 6 minutes. And you're the one that's in trouble, talking to my man!
Beverly: How dare either of you speak to me like that. You're lucky I don't call your parents.
Johnny Atkins: She just got hotter.

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