Vy Quote #39

Quote from Vy in You'd Better Shop Around

Will: Hey, Ma.
Vy: Boy, where do you get off dropping out of school?
Pete Fletcher: Mrs. Smith, if I may interject-
Vy: Who the hell are you?
Will: Mom, this is my boss. This is Mr. Fletcher.
Vy: Oh, so you're the snake that lured my boy from that fine institute of higher learning.
Pete Fletcher: Mrs. Smith, your son has a bright and productive future here at Mulholland Motors.
Vy: Oh, really? You ever been beat up by a woman?
Pete Fletcher: Not without having paid for it. Uh, Will, I'll be in my office hiding under the desk if you need me.


 ‘You'd Better Shop Around’ Quotes

Quote from Will

Will: Well, I guess I'll start my homework now. I got a lot of studying to do if I expect to make the best of this wonderful opportunity to get my college education!
Philip: Will, your mother's not here. She went out to dinner with your Aunt Viv.
Will: Oh, she better had.
Philip: Will, I'm sorry we had to involve her in this but you really left us no choice. How in the world did she get the college to readmit you?
Will: She threatened to enroll herself.

Quote from Philip

Philip: Hmm. This fat-free cake isn't bad.
Geoffrey: Sir, that's a sponge.

Quote from Will

Will: There you are, Uncle Phil, 25 years younger, thousands of pounds thinner... cruising the strip at Princeton. Wind blowing through your big old fro. Honeys checking you out. They're saying: "Mmm. There go Philip Banks, he is a bad mamma jamma." They waving at you, Uncle Phil. Oh, go ahead, go ahead, wave back. It's okay, wave back. Go ahead.
Philip: Right on, sisters.
Carlton: Dad, did I mention that the all-new Accountant gets 75 miles to the gallon?
Philip: To hell with the Accountant, I want this.
Pete Fletcher: Excellent choice, Mr. Banks. Come on in the office, we'll crunch some numbers.
Philip: All right.
Carlton: Dad, Will just bamboozled you.
Philip: And that's the story we'll tell your mother. Thank you, Will.